Saturday, August 6, 2011

Headin' north

Hi Everyone, I finally feel like I am getting somewhere! I haven't actually travelled far since last week, but I have been heading northeast (a bit) and am now starting to work on my tan again!
I travelled to Parkes and visited the "dish" telescope. it is really quite large, it is on about a 3 storey base, and is spectacular. I travelled on through Gilgandra, the home of the "cooee" march which occurred at the beginning of WW1 and gathered men from the towns between Gilgandra and Sydney to enlist to go overseas. They started in Gilgandra and walked to Sydney over about 2 months (I think) they gathered up about 300 plus men.
Then on to Coonabarabran to meet a fellow who was on my Lake Eyre flight tour, I was giving him some of my photos I took. I parked the van at his property and stayed the night. I then forwarded to his daghter in law, about 30 photos he chose, to her computer! Alec has about 1000 Aberdeen Angus cattle which he works with his son, over 2 properties on either side of the road. they have 3/4 grandsons and none of them are interested in the land, I found that rather sad, as Alec's parents had begun the property almost 100 years ago.  He took me out in the 4x4 to see the cattle! and a heritage listed shearing shed. He has a huge house with wonderful scottish antique furniture, that really wouldn't look any good in any other size house.
Then on through Gunnedah to Narrabri for the weekend. I was meeting a group of motorhomers who were having a gettogether. Unfortunately only 4 of them turned up, but one couple were transplanted Western Australians, so that was interesting. The weather was getting nice and warm, I finally started to wear t- shirts again, and even got out the shorts, need a wax job though! The forecast was for showers starting on the weekend, but although overcast today, no sign of rain yet. It came up very gusty winds and although I had put up the annexe, I had to take it down. I sat out side in the sun and read one of my books and got out my hand sewing again and started up my tan again!
I also had a bit of trouble with my set top box, but I stoppped off at an electrical place and the guy very kindly retuned it for me and now I am back in the throes of tv watching again! I could have done with the ignorance after watching the Dockers on Friday night though! I'm really afraid it looks like the end of our hopes for the season! The next few weeks games are really going top be tough.
Well I hope all your footy teams are doing better for you! Good luck and laugh longer. Love

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