Hi everyone,
Here I am at Swan Hill , Victoria, having driven over from SA after I needed a wheel alignment and couldn't get it done in SA unless I drove back to Adelaide. So 2 new front tyres later, and a wheel alignment, I was still in Swan Hill as my Dr rang, and was sending me a script so I had to stay in Swan Hill and wait for the mail.
I visited the pioneer settlement, which I had last seen in 1977 when John,(my first husband,) and the kids and I went round australia in a Kombi Van. It hadn't changed much! So I spent a whole day a5t the settlement and did a 2 hour trip on the paddlesteamer Pyap, which was flying the Murray River flag.
Then I waited for 3 days for the scripts which didn't turn up! Something that

I didn't expect was that in Victoria they have already gone digital with tv. which explains why I didn't receive tv once I hit Victoria!, So I made enquiries and decided I needed a new tv/set top box. My tv in the bedroom was not working on dvd so I went ok, one new tv, and that was hangingoff a bracket, so no room for a set top box and the other tv is on a shelf so it could use the set top box. But I bought one too big, so I took it back to retravision, and between all the attempts at parking and getting the electronics people to install, it took all day, but only $54 for instalation. I highly recommend swantronics! They were marvellous! But at the end of that I was sick of Swan Hill, so I drove off to Kerang. Nice park on Loddon River, I met a couple from Pental Island caravan park whom I met a week ago. Also "Cuddles and Co", staying at the park, travelling buskers they were playing at the Kerang markets, we hd a campfire each evening, a few drinks and a song or two. They were very pleasant evevnings. Tonight it started to rain fairly early in the day so we only had a short time around the campfire. But a very pleasant time. There were bunch of dancers, ballroom, staying at the park. Evidently each year they come and stay and dance their little toes off. A dance Friday night, a Ball sat night, another dance sun afternoon and then for those who wish to stay , a club dance on Monday night, these ballroom dancers are really into it!
I didn't join them, no partner, but who knows! there apparently is a booklet detailing all the dance club events through out the states. Might have to get one to see when the dances are.
Keep your feet twinkling! and keep healthy
Love Vicki
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