Hi Everyone! don't faint! I haven't forgotten you all, just ben incredibly lazy on one hand , and indescribably frantic with the other!
I hope you all had a great, or at least a good, Christmas, and a riotous New Year! Me, I spent New Years eve with my South Yunderup sister, and we worked on Sydney time, 3 hours ahead of us , watched the fireworks from Sydney at (9 pm and went to bed!
To fill you in on my trials and tribulations! I left the motorhome at Adelaide in storage , and flew back to WA on Dec 15th, picked up a hire car from the airport and feel like I have been glued to the seat ever since! EG. drove south to Sth Yunderup, stayed the night, drove south to Bunbury to elder sisters home, stayed for a couple of nights during which I drove down to Busselton to see Mum, (she's doing fine!) back to Bunbury and saw my daughter and 5 grandies! My daughter is going through a messy separation , plus a few other problems, don't get me started! It has ben all down hill from there! (not really!) I have been up and down from Sth Y. to Bunbury and Bussselton so many times I can't tell whether I'm Arthur or Martha! Been to specialists, Taxation Accountantants, financial planners, caught up with a few friends, did my duty at the Patchwork Schoolhouse in Pinjarra, inspected my house there also, and you can seee what I mean? Finally took off to Perth again to catch a friend whom I have travelled with previously, and then on to Geraldton after another Drs visit.
Had a lovely dinner with my lovely son and his wife and 3 grandies, and had a relaxing 2 days with my wonderful sewing (and ex-nursing friends) Meg and Lyn, missed out on a couple of freinds as they are away, caught up with all the local gossip, and am getting myself ready to drive down south again for 1 last visit with Mum, and see how much sorting out I still need to do for Genevieve, I fly back to SAon Tuesday the 10th.
Whew! I am exhausted again, just writing it all down!
So in closing I wish you all a happy and healthy and prosperous New Year, and I know I missed catching up with a few WA folk I said I would catch up with, but I will be back in April!
God Bless you all
love Vicki