Sometimes I just can,t keep writing on this tablet. I really believe I need some lessons on it! So on with the saga! Kah and I had a nice cabin, aboard the Millenium, we enjoyed the ship for the lovely peole we met, we are always lucky with our table companions and as I said in part one, we made great friends with people as we queud to get aboard.we visited the "big" island to Hiloo, and Western Samoa, Pago Pago, where we went in 2010 also Fiji, where we went in 2011 and then the eclipse! Now that was something, the ship stopped for about 3 hours and we saw the whole thing, we were given special glasses to view it, there were talks by photographers to get maximum valeu with your camers, and a spe ialist talking us through it, when you could look safely without the glasses etc. It was quite special. worth having champagne at 9am thats for sure!
We had some good entertainers, a fellow singer, Jack Walker, whom we had come across in 2010 he has a great voice. also Jackie Love came on board. she still has IT! Then we sailed on to two ports in Nz. Tauranga and Aukland, before setting across the ditch to Sydney. W e had 2 nights on the ship before we got off. Kath flew back to w and Igot on the train back north to Toukley. I spent a few more days there with Hazel and Mike, getting my washing done and sorting myself out. Hazel and igot stuck into beading, I had sent for some more lovely patterns from Julia in England, she has some really unique patterns, you don't see many like it in Australia.Then I set off south.
Hazel and Mike came south to Gerringong with their caravan, and we visited a wonerful bead shop, annd picked up a few more bits I needed. Then we parted, me to continue south and they returned to Toukley, We will get together again. I stopped at Congo, an almost free camp beside the sea, where a river? flowed out also, very quiet, but lovely. Then on south to Nimmitabel, where I learnt I have been mispronouncing it for thirty years! Oh well, thems the breaks. I took my courage in both hands and drove over the great dividing range, via COOMA, JINDABYNE, PERISHER, and Khancoban to Corryong in Victoria. I was absolurely stuffed. The brakes were smoking and the poor old engine was really working. I don't reccommend it to anyone else in a motorhome. I didn't see a single truck on that bit of road. I was gobsmacked to see snow still on the tops of the ranges!!
I spent 2 nights at colaccolac, just passed Corryong, and then headed to Nagambie to visit my ex Exmouth and Collie friend, Merrilyn and Neil. I spent a lovely couple of days there on the front verge, but sadly Merrilyn was not at all well, with maybe foodpoisoning, so it was quite quiet.Then I set off, a bit backwards to Lima South to meet with the Estern Rosellas, whom I first met at St Arnauds last year. They were having a xmas party, which was greta food, we also had a chance to hold stalls as there was a market there, and a very good talk by the rural fire brigade #bout bushfire safety ans your motor home. very salient as it happened, as on Saturday they were off fighting a big bushfire at Seymour, near
Monday, December 10, 2012
Lost Months part 11
Hi All, Well I have finally realised how long it has been sinyce I last posted. Sorry, life kinda got in my way!. I will try to bring you up to date in as brief a time as possible.
Way back in October, after I left Mildura/Wentworth and the country music festival, I
headed to Jingelic on the border of Nsw and Vic. I t was a pretty spotbehnd a great pub, and beside the early reaches of the Murray River. I met a great bunch of motorhomers there and spent 5 days there. great weather, a bit chilly in the mornings, but lovely sunny days we had wonderful campfires, with music and singalongs and some great people. From there I droeve north through Leura again and visited another patchworking friend, on my way nortth.
I left Doigs Donga, (the motorhome) with friends Hazel and Mike at Toukley while I trained down to Sydney, where I caught up with Kath and we flew to Hawaii. We endured two halloween days as we crossed the international date line. Our hotel was at Waikiki, and the antics of the people there for Halloween was eye stopping!! After 3 Nights we were picked up by our transfer vehicle and taken to the pier to board our cruise ship. Did I tell you? I went on a 19 day cruise back to Sydney. I was on Celebrity Millenium, and the main thing was we were able to be in optimal position for the total eclipse out in the Pacific Ocean. But I get ahead of myself." First we had to board! not an easy thing in Hawaii. We were queued for almost 3 hours waiting to get on board. With no e:cuses offered, but apparently a problem with the xray equioment, not that anyo e kept us informed! or offered food and drink . The upside was that we made virm friends in that 3 hours with the people around us in the queue!
Way back in October, after I left Mildura/Wentworth and the country music festival, I
headed to Jingelic on the border of Nsw and Vic. I t was a pretty spotbehnd a great pub, and beside the early reaches of the Murray River. I met a great bunch of motorhomers there and spent 5 days there. great weather, a bit chilly in the mornings, but lovely sunny days we had wonderful campfires, with music and singalongs and some great people. From there I droeve north through Leura again and visited another patchworking friend, on my way nortth.
I left Doigs Donga, (the motorhome) with friends Hazel and Mike at Toukley while I trained down to Sydney, where I caught up with Kath and we flew to Hawaii. We endured two halloween days as we crossed the international date line. Our hotel was at Waikiki, and the antics of the people there for Halloween was eye stopping!! After 3 Nights we were picked up by our transfer vehicle and taken to the pier to board our cruise ship. Did I tell you? I went on a 19 day cruise back to Sydney. I was on Celebrity Millenium, and the main thing was we were able to be in optimal position for the total eclipse out in the Pacific Ocean. But I get ahead of myself." First we had to board! not an easy thing in Hawaii. We were queued for almost 3 hours waiting to get on board. With no e:cuses offered, but apparently a problem with the xray equioment, not that anyo e kept us informed! or offered food and drink . The upside was that we made virm friends in that 3 hours with the people around us in the queue!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wandering NSW
Here I am giving the tablet another go. My pre paid wi fi ran out!
I parted company with Rob and Carol, and Graeme and Hazel, on Monday,( i think)! I h
keaded east, and they south. I went as far as Nyah, a pretty freeU Camp, along the Murray. Conditions were good, as far as access goes to the riveSor. It is flowing quite strongly, but not overly high. When i pulled in there were arouen 30 odd vans parked, around the place, both caravans and motorhomes, also the occasionakil tent! The spot, is behind the Nyah harness racing track, with a large "parkland area', amongst shady river gums. there are toilets and hot showers available across the track, also drinking water. and the most essential! a dump point! The present occupiers where i parked, were a group of 3 motorhomers and 2 caravans, with room for me nearby. Happy hour was underway, and I was invited to join, as soon as I got set up. Very pleasant couples, the motorhomers were a variety of vehicles, but all were towing small cars. It certainly makes life easier. I spent 3 nights there, and gradually they drifted off, being replaced daily by new neighbours!
I headed further east, retracing my tracks, through Swan Hill and Kerang, before heading notrth to Deniliquin. This is nice town, where a big raly had bee n held, just after i left Tasmania, in 2011. Somehow, i had kept missing it. I parked at mIUa "carotel" within walking distance of the centre of town, and across the road, diagonally, from the RSL Club, ( very important!). I was back to using caravan parks, as it was very cold at nights! I could only stop 2 nights as there was a big geneaology conference on over the weekend, and the town was booked out! I did a long walk into town, lovely old buildings, and pubs and shop frontages, and found the visitors info centre,housed in the Peppin -House/museum. A good display of early history of merino pedigree, wool history and breeding rams, look like the ones on the australian shilling, also WW2 airforce bases from around the area.
I was pretty gobsmacked, as I drove north away from the Murray, at the extent of the irrigation, systems in place over here. Miles away from the river and you are driving along and over, these huge channels/canals, carrying water inland to farming properties. We are growing rice, down herE! This is inland Australiah, not south east asia, with big annual rainfalls. No wonder SA is screaming for mor water to be let down the river. I consider myself fairly well educated, about my country, but I am really amazed. I certainly can't see why we in WA cannot do a proper job of moving the Ord river water south with channels, even with high evaporation, there must be lots of water loss from these channels, in the summer. Well thats my political rant, for this month!
So i headed further north to Jerilderie, once again utilising a caravan park, met another solo widowed woman, she more recent than me, but we had lots in common, we spent apleasant couple of happy hours, and swapped addresses, and then we parted our ways, she for the south and me to turn easterly towards Wagga Wagga. I came across some lovely rolling hilly vountry, but higher, than what I would call hills in WA! Saw a magnificent "wedgetail"(I think) , eagle, sitting on a fence post, with his wings partly out. Fabulous site, but of course, the camera out of reach! It is certainly not as convenient, having the bigger, fancier, camera. It is not readily to hand, and also in a case, so not so quick, for these unexpected photo ops! I don't often see live, animals! Mostly it is roadkill!
I came across a small town, Lockhart, known as the verandah town, traffic everywhere. So I pulled over and parked, walked along to see what was happening. It was a local, art/sculpture/music festival, over 3 days, the picnic races had been on Friday, this was saturday. The place was hopping, BIG DETOUR AROUND TOWN, THE MAIN DRAG, THE HIGHWAY, WAS CLOSED, STALLS, FOOD, AND THESE FASCINATING OUTBACKTYPE SCULPTURES, MADE FROM FARM "JUNK". Big prize money paid, they looked very good. also lots of "stuff" made from barbwire, other "parts" turned into light fittings, garden pots, really interesting! plus the prices were quite "high"end!
Here I am giving the tablet another go. My pre paid wi fi ran out!
I parted company with Rob and Carol, and Graeme and Hazel, on Monday,( i think)! I h
keaded east, and they south. I went as far as Nyah, a pretty freeU Camp, along the Murray. Conditions were good, as far as access goes to the riveSor. It is flowing quite strongly, but not overly high. When i pulled in there were arouen 30 odd vans parked, around the place, both caravans and motorhomes, also the occasionakil tent! The spot, is behind the Nyah harness racing track, with a large "parkland area', amongst shady river gums. there are toilets and hot showers available across the track, also drinking water. and the most essential! a dump point! The present occupiers where i parked, were a group of 3 motorhomers and 2 caravans, with room for me nearby. Happy hour was underway, and I was invited to join, as soon as I got set up. Very pleasant couples, the motorhomers were a variety of vehicles, but all were towing small cars. It certainly makes life easier. I spent 3 nights there, and gradually they drifted off, being replaced daily by new neighbours!
I headed further east, retracing my tracks, through Swan Hill and Kerang, before heading notrth to Deniliquin. This is nice town, where a big raly had bee n held, just after i left Tasmania, in 2011. Somehow, i had kept missing it. I parked at mIUa "carotel" within walking distance of the centre of town, and across the road, diagonally, from the RSL Club, ( very important!). I was back to using caravan parks, as it was very cold at nights! I could only stop 2 nights as there was a big geneaology conference on over the weekend, and the town was booked out! I did a long walk into town, lovely old buildings, and pubs and shop frontages, and found the visitors info centre,housed in the Peppin -House/museum. A good display of early history of merino pedigree, wool history and breeding rams, look like the ones on the australian shilling, also WW2 airforce bases from around the area.
I was pretty gobsmacked, as I drove north away from the Murray, at the extent of the irrigation, systems in place over here. Miles away from the river and you are driving along and over, these huge channels/canals, carrying water inland to farming properties. We are growing rice, down herE! This is inland Australiah, not south east asia, with big annual rainfalls. No wonder SA is screaming for mor water to be let down the river. I consider myself fairly well educated, about my country, but I am really amazed. I certainly can't see why we in WA cannot do a proper job of moving the Ord river water south with channels, even with high evaporation, there must be lots of water loss from these channels, in the summer. Well thats my political rant, for this month!
So i headed further north to Jerilderie, once again utilising a caravan park, met another solo widowed woman, she more recent than me, but we had lots in common, we spent apleasant couple of happy hours, and swapped addresses, and then we parted our ways, she for the south and me to turn easterly towards Wagga Wagga. I came across some lovely rolling hilly vountry, but higher, than what I would call hills in WA! Saw a magnificent "wedgetail"(I think) , eagle, sitting on a fence post, with his wings partly out. Fabulous site, but of course, the camera out of reach! It is certainly not as convenient, having the bigger, fancier, camera. It is not readily to hand, and also in a case, so not so quick, for these unexpected photo ops! I don't often see live, animals! Mostly it is roadkill!
I came across a small town, Lockhart, known as the verandah town, traffic everywhere. So I pulled over and parked, walked along to see what was happening. It was a local, art/sculpture/music festival, over 3 days, the picnic races had been on Friday, this was saturday. The place was hopping, BIG DETOUR AROUND TOWN, THE MAIN DRAG, THE HIGHWAY, WAS CLOSED, STALLS, FOOD, AND THESE FASCINATING OUTBACKTYPE SCULPTURES, MADE FROM FARM "JUNK". Big prize money paid, they looked very good. also lots of "stuff" made from barbwire, other "parts" turned into light fittings, garden pots, really interesting! plus the prices were quite "high"end!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Patchwork and Country Music
Hi All! I have given up on the tablet, as far as writing my blog goes, at least! I always re read my last one so I don't double up one the story and I can hardly believe it was so bad! I know I was frustrated by using the touch screen typing keyboard, but really!! I could barely understand it and I wrote it! Never again!! Promise!!
Well back to my life! when I landed in Brisbane, I discovered I had accidently left the fridge door closed, and with the moisture from the defrost, and a mopnth closed, you can imagine the state of it? or can you? I know I have never seen a more revolting sight!! I spent about 4 hours scrubbing and cleaning and pulling all the shelving and partitions out and using bleach etc! finally it was clean! there is still the occasional whiff! though. I have tried wiping it over with vanilla and hope that will finally do the trick! I pushed off from Brisbane, down to the goldcoast to Miami!! whoo! and then to Mullumbimby, trying to find a different route to Dorrigo It is beautiful driving through the mountains and winding across the ridges. I love the trees and then the vistas opening out across valleys and more mountain views! beautiful! From Mullimbimby I headed south westerly towards Grafton, but free camped at a lovely spot beside a river, then headed down to Dorrigo through the Nymboida national Park. Making sure I was not on last years road! I was sort of parrallel to it! but definitely all sealed! Came in past the showgrounds where I had enquired about parking, but realised it was firther out than Dangar Falls lodge camp ground. So I booked in again for the first 4 days and waited to catch up with my friend Caroline. The tutors all stay at Dangar Falls lodge, so I can always "bum" a ride into town with them. I didn't have the optima;l parking space, only 1! so I was looking for other options! Caroline took me to meet her aunt who lives in town, at the end of the firstday, and joy of joys, she had a lovely flat 20 0dd foot verge for me to park on! At the end of my 4th day I move the "donga" into town to "aunt Lou's " verge. Easier for Caroline to drive me and me not bothering the tutors each morning for a ride! On to the patchwork! I did a 2 day course with Margaret Macdonald using circles, different techniques demystifying the difficulties of using circles. Very stressful for me as I didn't seem to have the "right" fabrics, so I was back and forward to the shop getting more! I achieved 3 blocks finished! Then I moved onto Jane Mcdonalds Tesselations, using Japanese fabrics, I chose to do the small version, not thinking that that meant tiny pieces of fabric! At least it was done with the machine! after a day I had managed about a third of the finished size, which is a wall hanging about 24" by 36". So that was positive. I had a day off between the next project, which is handy as I can unkink my back and neck and shoulders , by having a massage! (does anyone else notice the vast difference in massage styles?) still i felt better for it! Then my third project! Another reproduction quilt! At least this one is done by machine! Anne Sommerlad is the designer and she has some beautiful patterns, based on reproduction quilts. I am tackling Johanna Southcotts coverlet. After lots of quibbling over the fabric choices I finally settled on some of mine and lots from the shop!!! Helen in the shop is marvellous at helping with your choices! So it was nose down to the machine and I achieved about half finished and it is a big quilt, (are there any other sizes?). As usual we had some l;ovely meals, a welcome and closing dinner at 2 different restaurants, all our lunches are spread around the towns businesses too. everyone gets a piece of us being there! About 200 of us ladies hiting a small town like dorrigo for a week, must give them a boost! Apart from the massage, I restricted myself to fuel, fabric and meals and drinks! plus droppped into the local butcher as I was heading out of town. gorgeous meat! And I won one of the daily raffles! more fabric and patterns, I shared it with Caroline for all her driving me a round.
So Fridy i started the mad dash to Wentworth for the Mildura Country Music Festival. I allowed myself 3 days this time, the gps told me it was 1426kms from Dorrigo, and I wanted to do a bit different route, but of course the quickest is the way I have already been! So only a few minor route changes. My first stop was a camp spot at Premer, I pulled in about 2.30 ish, only did about 374kms I think. I filled up with water, using the neighbours hose (with his permission) and was on power, only 12 dollars a night, honesty box. Walked up to the pub for a meal, and when I came back, this couple (the neighbours!) were grizzling to some other couple that i was parked too close to them! I have very sharp ears! I put my purse in my van and then I went and fronted them! Asked them why didn;t they ask me to move further away earlier? I had been there for several hours in the daylight, and that they shouldn't bitch behind my back! frankly I was stunned! these were motorhomers! (well 5th wheleers actually). I thought they would have been a bit more tolerant. Of course, I stewed all night over it, (it was a first!) and took off at bout 6 am for my next leg, Lake Cargelligo. Punching into a head wind all day, and the previous one too, chewing up fuel like mad! These sort of travelling days cost the earth, refuelling etc. Got to Lake C and they had the camp fire burning and everyone lovely and friendly, restored my faith in the travelling public! On my way from Premer I called into Coolah, where a motorhoming couple have set up a "homebase" for motorhomers. They were flogging it at Yarram and Sale rallies, and sounds very feasible, If only it was closer to WA! I dropped in on them and was shown around, they are alovely couple, I reckon it could be set up in WA if you could find the right property to connvert. From Lake C I did a 551km run to Wentworth. Certainly easier than last years mammoth runs of 700kms plus a day! Started off with no power for the first night then moved to a powered site, a fair way away from Rob and Carol, but closer to the music venues! Now I am getting my fix, of country music for the year. Some old faces and voices! and some new ones, I am getting a "few" new cd's to put on my ipod and keep me bopping along as I drive the highways! The weather has turned hot and it is hard to find a shady spot down at the Wentworth wharf for the outdoor concerts! Noone is on the sunny lawns, we are all crowding under the beautiful shady rivergums! Still a few days to go but it is well worth the visit.
So keep smiling and hopefully keep healthy, and I will keep you informed of my travels! love vicki
Well back to my life! when I landed in Brisbane, I discovered I had accidently left the fridge door closed, and with the moisture from the defrost, and a mopnth closed, you can imagine the state of it? or can you? I know I have never seen a more revolting sight!! I spent about 4 hours scrubbing and cleaning and pulling all the shelving and partitions out and using bleach etc! finally it was clean! there is still the occasional whiff! though. I have tried wiping it over with vanilla and hope that will finally do the trick! I pushed off from Brisbane, down to the goldcoast to Miami!! whoo! and then to Mullumbimby, trying to find a different route to Dorrigo It is beautiful driving through the mountains and winding across the ridges. I love the trees and then the vistas opening out across valleys and more mountain views! beautiful! From Mullimbimby I headed south westerly towards Grafton, but free camped at a lovely spot beside a river, then headed down to Dorrigo through the Nymboida national Park. Making sure I was not on last years road! I was sort of parrallel to it! but definitely all sealed! Came in past the showgrounds where I had enquired about parking, but realised it was firther out than Dangar Falls lodge camp ground. So I booked in again for the first 4 days and waited to catch up with my friend Caroline. The tutors all stay at Dangar Falls lodge, so I can always "bum" a ride into town with them. I didn't have the optima;l parking space, only 1! so I was looking for other options! Caroline took me to meet her aunt who lives in town, at the end of the firstday, and joy of joys, she had a lovely flat 20 0dd foot verge for me to park on! At the end of my 4th day I move the "donga" into town to "aunt Lou's " verge. Easier for Caroline to drive me and me not bothering the tutors each morning for a ride! On to the patchwork! I did a 2 day course with Margaret Macdonald using circles, different techniques demystifying the difficulties of using circles. Very stressful for me as I didn't seem to have the "right" fabrics, so I was back and forward to the shop getting more! I achieved 3 blocks finished! Then I moved onto Jane Mcdonalds Tesselations, using Japanese fabrics, I chose to do the small version, not thinking that that meant tiny pieces of fabric! At least it was done with the machine! after a day I had managed about a third of the finished size, which is a wall hanging about 24" by 36". So that was positive. I had a day off between the next project, which is handy as I can unkink my back and neck and shoulders , by having a massage! (does anyone else notice the vast difference in massage styles?) still i felt better for it! Then my third project! Another reproduction quilt! At least this one is done by machine! Anne Sommerlad is the designer and she has some beautiful patterns, based on reproduction quilts. I am tackling Johanna Southcotts coverlet. After lots of quibbling over the fabric choices I finally settled on some of mine and lots from the shop!!! Helen in the shop is marvellous at helping with your choices! So it was nose down to the machine and I achieved about half finished and it is a big quilt, (are there any other sizes?). As usual we had some l;ovely meals, a welcome and closing dinner at 2 different restaurants, all our lunches are spread around the towns businesses too. everyone gets a piece of us being there! About 200 of us ladies hiting a small town like dorrigo for a week, must give them a boost! Apart from the massage, I restricted myself to fuel, fabric and meals and drinks! plus droppped into the local butcher as I was heading out of town. gorgeous meat! And I won one of the daily raffles! more fabric and patterns, I shared it with Caroline for all her driving me a round.
So Fridy i started the mad dash to Wentworth for the Mildura Country Music Festival. I allowed myself 3 days this time, the gps told me it was 1426kms from Dorrigo, and I wanted to do a bit different route, but of course the quickest is the way I have already been! So only a few minor route changes. My first stop was a camp spot at Premer, I pulled in about 2.30 ish, only did about 374kms I think. I filled up with water, using the neighbours hose (with his permission) and was on power, only 12 dollars a night, honesty box. Walked up to the pub for a meal, and when I came back, this couple (the neighbours!) were grizzling to some other couple that i was parked too close to them! I have very sharp ears! I put my purse in my van and then I went and fronted them! Asked them why didn;t they ask me to move further away earlier? I had been there for several hours in the daylight, and that they shouldn't bitch behind my back! frankly I was stunned! these were motorhomers! (well 5th wheleers actually). I thought they would have been a bit more tolerant. Of course, I stewed all night over it, (it was a first!) and took off at bout 6 am for my next leg, Lake Cargelligo. Punching into a head wind all day, and the previous one too, chewing up fuel like mad! These sort of travelling days cost the earth, refuelling etc. Got to Lake C and they had the camp fire burning and everyone lovely and friendly, restored my faith in the travelling public! On my way from Premer I called into Coolah, where a motorhoming couple have set up a "homebase" for motorhomers. They were flogging it at Yarram and Sale rallies, and sounds very feasible, If only it was closer to WA! I dropped in on them and was shown around, they are alovely couple, I reckon it could be set up in WA if you could find the right property to connvert. From Lake C I did a 551km run to Wentworth. Certainly easier than last years mammoth runs of 700kms plus a day! Started off with no power for the first night then moved to a powered site, a fair way away from Rob and Carol, but closer to the music venues! Now I am getting my fix, of country music for the year. Some old faces and voices! and some new ones, I am getting a "few" new cd's to put on my ipod and keep me bopping along as I drive the highways! The weather has turned hot and it is hard to find a shady spot down at the Wentworth wharf for the outdoor concerts! Noone is on the sunny lawns, we are all crowding under the beautiful shady rivergums! Still a few days to go but it is well worth the visit.
So keep smiling and hopefully keep healthy, and I will keep you informed of my travels! love vicki
Friday, September 14, 2012
Long time episode 2
Next I went back up to Geraldton, to see GP, also another dentist visit, and it ain't over yet! get a haircut from my favorite hairdresser, catch upwith son Ben and his family, so you can see I haven't stopped. Also saw tax accountant, financial planner and arthritis specialist! Finally it was down to Juien Bay for some sewing R and R.Once again our ptchwork retreat was a great time! I wouldn,t miss it for quids. To top off a great vsit, my footy team, Fremantle Dockers are having a good run! I was soo excited to watch them beat Geelong, but alas, all good things come to an end, and last night w ended the sason a Adelaide Crows beat us.
I sadly packed up m stuff an went back to Perth for my flight back to Brisbane and to continue my travels. Not that I am sad to be still travelling! oh no! So until I get a better hang of this tablet i will close for now and hope the next blog is better! Please allow for all the mistakes and I promise I will be more organised soon. Happy Travels
I sadly packed up m stuff an went back to Perth for my flight back to Brisbane and to continue my travels. Not that I am sad to be still travelling! oh no! So until I get a better hang of this tablet i will close for now and hope the next blog is better! Please allow for all the mistakes and I promise I will be more organised soon. Happy Travels
Long time
Hi to you all! Sorry this has taken so long. 2 exuses, as you will see. I have a new tablet and am sruggling with it! an d als I have been flat chat being back in WA.
I started with my qantas flight from brisbane to Perth being 2 hours late, and got worse. I left my new camera on the plane. But I will never abuse qantas again they found it fo me!! Thank you Qantas!
Meg , my friend from Geraldton, icked me up from the aipot, as she was coming down to Pinjarra to do a patchwork class wth me. It took me twodays on the phone but we finally got though and yes the camera was in Perth. After the workshop, my sisters and I celebrated Ums 98th birthday and then we all scattered! I went to Geraldton to the dentist. and both my sisters went different was to Alice Springs and Uluru!
HAD A QUIET FEW DAYS WITH MEG, We did lots of sewing of course, I finished off 3 UFO's, they are now in the Pinjarra pachwork shop for sale. I used my mothers day gift voucher to buy more fabric, asyou do! Life was good
I drove back down south , luckily my sisters let me use their houses ven when they weren't home. did my shop duty and then Maxine was back from her trip, so I went down agin and saw her and Mum again also daughter Genevieve and the grandchildren. AS Maxine is trying to sell her house, I needed to finda storage unit for the stuff I hae left at her place! That took me five trips in the car to stow away. went ov to Donnybrook ro se other iends, just down from wintering in the north. Once again I ave had my backside glued to the car seat! Ialso picked up my cousin from A who was ov to see family, and took her down to see mum.
I started with my qantas flight from brisbane to Perth being 2 hours late, and got worse. I left my new camera on the plane. But I will never abuse qantas again they found it fo me!! Thank you Qantas!
Meg , my friend from Geraldton, icked me up from the aipot, as she was coming down to Pinjarra to do a patchwork class wth me. It took me twodays on the phone but we finally got though and yes the camera was in Perth. After the workshop, my sisters and I celebrated Ums 98th birthday and then we all scattered! I went to Geraldton to the dentist. and both my sisters went different was to Alice Springs and Uluru!
HAD A QUIET FEW DAYS WITH MEG, We did lots of sewing of course, I finished off 3 UFO's, they are now in the Pinjarra pachwork shop for sale. I used my mothers day gift voucher to buy more fabric, asyou do! Life was good
I drove back down south , luckily my sisters let me use their houses ven when they weren't home. did my shop duty and then Maxine was back from her trip, so I went down agin and saw her and Mum again also daughter Genevieve and the grandchildren. AS Maxine is trying to sell her house, I needed to finda storage unit for the stuff I hae left at her place! That took me five trips in the car to stow away. went ov to Donnybrook ro se other iends, just down from wintering in the north. Once again I ave had my backside glued to the car seat! Ialso picked up my cousin from A who was ov to see family, and took her down to see mum.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Reunion Time
Hi All,
I left the motorhoming group behind and travelled back over some old ground to meet Carol and Rob, friends from WA, who I meet up with every now and then. The deal was to get together at a "cheap" camp , called Cobb and Co, near Gympie, only 10dollars for me, as a single, not sure what they paid. Lovely grounds, a billabong, trees and camp fireplaces, pay for wood. Rob went fossicking! But did it get cold!!It was freezing! We had the campfire, and they cooked a wonderful roast chook with veges in the camp oven. Carol and I got stuck into the sparkling shiraz, a bit of a favourite with us!!Came the morning , our host came over with what I thought was a pane of glass, and it was ice!! about 1/4 inch thick! So we were still wearing all out winter gear!! Next morning it was map studying time and we made the decision to travel about 30 kms to Kandanga Bowling Club, where we hoped to get a powered sit as it was so cold. I had stayed there twice before already! That was a good decision as they just want a donation, and we had power. also we got there on Friday and they have a lovely meal on fri nights, plus raffles, which I won Rob a 6 pack of beer! Stayed there 2 nights and drove into Gympie for shopping and gas bottle refills. Rob is like Doug used to be, he doesn't mind shopping, he likes to look around at all the bits and pieces just like we do, and even found me a fabric shop for me to get some fabric for my wa workshop!
Still very cold , so we opted to go back (for me) to Kennilworth, home of the gorgeous cheeses and yummy yoghurt and icecream. Once again we had power, amd the ground was dry, this time. (this is where I bought my wellington boots). Carol and rob thought the cheeses and yoghurts were just as delicious as I did, so that was a good decision. We scrounged some wood, read Rob for we, and had a campfire, where I finally christened my camp oven! worked a treat too, but its a bit small for 3 of us! We stayed 3 nights there as we are both filling in time. Finally we said goodbye to the hinterland and headed to the coast and hopefully some warmer nights. We booked into Caloundra Big 4 (I think) for 3 nights , it was all we could get! The park was closed this time last year when I tried to stay at it for renovations, they apparently spent a few million on it but still don't put the sullage traps close enough! This gave us great opportunities to sightsee, in Robs car, I got the chance to see some scenery without worrying if I would drive off the road! We went north as far as Marouchydore, looked aroun the canals, saw some magnificent ocean speed boats, (sorry I didn't have the camera), huge things, on specialised Low loaders, there was obviously going to be an ocean race, on the weekend. These are what we sometimes see in movies racing off miami etc.the lamborghinis of the ocean I guess, I bet there is some money tied up in them!! I also checked out a (possible) new motorhome while we were in the area, I have been feeling a little cramped with mine! Nothing that getting rid of some fabric wouldn't cure, but one can always tyre kick!! I am thinking about it. what is attractive is the guy offered me a good trade in price on mine. We'll see!!
So finally Carol and Rob and I parted company, me for brisbane and they for the Gold coast. I stayed at Aspley c.park where I stayed last year, did the usual , empty the fridge, the toilet, filled the water tanks, and packed my bags for the flight back to WA. Got in a tizz , cos I couldn't find my prescription, and was upending all my packing looking for it, before finally locating it in my handbag where I put it after the last "fill" so I wouldn't forget it!! So I am at the airport and realised I left the fridge door shut!!! Yuck when I get back! To make matters worse the plane was 2 hours late leaving. I have been really lucky with flights, I don't really know when I last had a delayed flight. Meg my friend from Geraldton picked me up from Perth as we were both doing a patchwork class down at Pinjarra, the next 2 days, and I discovered I had left my new camera on the plane!! Quel horrer!! But lucky for me Qantas had it!! 3 cheers for Qantas!!! I was able to pick it up from the terminal when I went back to Perth with Meg and picked up my hire car.
We had a great 2 days with the workshop, it was sort of the same as I had already done with the same tutor, at Dorrigo last year, But I can never get enough of tutorials. Meg, did a beautiful piece, and I just blundered along as usual! I was pretty tired and not as creative as I might have been, but I was happy with the end result.
Sister Jean and her husband Lawrie, and I went down to Busselton to meet our eldest sister, Maxine, and take Mum to lunch for her 98th birthday on Saturday. Mum is pretty amazing really, she is still mostly on top of things, and mobile with a bit of help, when she is in unfamiliar surroundings, I am pleased to see she is still much the same as when I was last home in April. So that is good.
Jean and her husband have just bought a new caravan, and are off tomorrow for a 10 week or so , trip to SA and Uluru and Alice Springs with some friends. Maxine is off , also, flying to SA and also visiting Uluru and Alice Springs with a friend, She is also going to Kangaroo Island.
Well I think that just about brings you up to date on my doings! I trust you are all keeping well and the winter hasn;t been too hard on you, so until next time, keep smiling
I left the motorhoming group behind and travelled back over some old ground to meet Carol and Rob, friends from WA, who I meet up with every now and then. The deal was to get together at a "cheap" camp , called Cobb and Co, near Gympie, only 10dollars for me, as a single, not sure what they paid. Lovely grounds, a billabong, trees and camp fireplaces, pay for wood. Rob went fossicking! But did it get cold!!It was freezing! We had the campfire, and they cooked a wonderful roast chook with veges in the camp oven. Carol and I got stuck into the sparkling shiraz, a bit of a favourite with us!!Came the morning , our host came over with what I thought was a pane of glass, and it was ice!! about 1/4 inch thick! So we were still wearing all out winter gear!! Next morning it was map studying time and we made the decision to travel about 30 kms to Kandanga Bowling Club, where we hoped to get a powered sit as it was so cold. I had stayed there twice before already! That was a good decision as they just want a donation, and we had power. also we got there on Friday and they have a lovely meal on fri nights, plus raffles, which I won Rob a 6 pack of beer! Stayed there 2 nights and drove into Gympie for shopping and gas bottle refills. Rob is like Doug used to be, he doesn't mind shopping, he likes to look around at all the bits and pieces just like we do, and even found me a fabric shop for me to get some fabric for my wa workshop!
Still very cold , so we opted to go back (for me) to Kennilworth, home of the gorgeous cheeses and yummy yoghurt and icecream. Once again we had power, amd the ground was dry, this time. (this is where I bought my wellington boots). Carol and rob thought the cheeses and yoghurts were just as delicious as I did, so that was a good decision. We scrounged some wood, read Rob for we, and had a campfire, where I finally christened my camp oven! worked a treat too, but its a bit small for 3 of us! We stayed 3 nights there as we are both filling in time. Finally we said goodbye to the hinterland and headed to the coast and hopefully some warmer nights. We booked into Caloundra Big 4 (I think) for 3 nights , it was all we could get! The park was closed this time last year when I tried to stay at it for renovations, they apparently spent a few million on it but still don't put the sullage traps close enough! This gave us great opportunities to sightsee, in Robs car, I got the chance to see some scenery without worrying if I would drive off the road! We went north as far as Marouchydore, looked aroun the canals, saw some magnificent ocean speed boats, (sorry I didn't have the camera), huge things, on specialised Low loaders, there was obviously going to be an ocean race, on the weekend. These are what we sometimes see in movies racing off miami etc.the lamborghinis of the ocean I guess, I bet there is some money tied up in them!! I also checked out a (possible) new motorhome while we were in the area, I have been feeling a little cramped with mine! Nothing that getting rid of some fabric wouldn't cure, but one can always tyre kick!! I am thinking about it. what is attractive is the guy offered me a good trade in price on mine. We'll see!!
So finally Carol and Rob and I parted company, me for brisbane and they for the Gold coast. I stayed at Aspley c.park where I stayed last year, did the usual , empty the fridge, the toilet, filled the water tanks, and packed my bags for the flight back to WA. Got in a tizz , cos I couldn't find my prescription, and was upending all my packing looking for it, before finally locating it in my handbag where I put it after the last "fill" so I wouldn't forget it!! So I am at the airport and realised I left the fridge door shut!!! Yuck when I get back! To make matters worse the plane was 2 hours late leaving. I have been really lucky with flights, I don't really know when I last had a delayed flight. Meg my friend from Geraldton picked me up from Perth as we were both doing a patchwork class down at Pinjarra, the next 2 days, and I discovered I had left my new camera on the plane!! Quel horrer!! But lucky for me Qantas had it!! 3 cheers for Qantas!!! I was able to pick it up from the terminal when I went back to Perth with Meg and picked up my hire car.
We had a great 2 days with the workshop, it was sort of the same as I had already done with the same tutor, at Dorrigo last year, But I can never get enough of tutorials. Meg, did a beautiful piece, and I just blundered along as usual! I was pretty tired and not as creative as I might have been, but I was happy with the end result.
Sister Jean and her husband Lawrie, and I went down to Busselton to meet our eldest sister, Maxine, and take Mum to lunch for her 98th birthday on Saturday. Mum is pretty amazing really, she is still mostly on top of things, and mobile with a bit of help, when she is in unfamiliar surroundings, I am pleased to see she is still much the same as when I was last home in April. So that is good.
Jean and her husband have just bought a new caravan, and are off tomorrow for a 10 week or so , trip to SA and Uluru and Alice Springs with some friends. Maxine is off , also, flying to SA and also visiting Uluru and Alice Springs with a friend, She is also going to Kangaroo Island.
Well I think that just about brings you up to date on my doings! I trust you are all keeping well and the winter hasn;t been too hard on you, so until next time, keep smiling
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sunny Qld at last
Hi to all my followers,
Finally I can report Qld has turned on the sun! I can report I am starting a tan, only the front of my legs!, as I sit out in my chair in the sunshine, I only tan on the front of my legs, definitely not a fashionable look!
I arrived at my caravan park which was really in Tewantin, and was guided into the campsite by a guy who obviously knew his stuff, but of course I have not been directed into a site before, so we had a bit of misunderstanding for a bit! He was saying "right hand down left hand down" etc, and I didn't have a clue what he meant, but it was turn steering wheel etc. When I got my ACT together I went onto the site in one smooth motion! This was vital as the park, and Noosa, had had 10 inches of rain in the last 10 days, so everything was boggy, huge ruts of mud at the verge of each site. The folk who ignored this guys instructions chewed up the ground more as they backed and forward to get on site. I was 2 inches off the concrete annexe pad when I was parked, Really good. Over the next 10 days I was there I watched this bloke park nearly every one with just one smooth motion.
Luckily the sun started shining the next day and has stayed ever since. I met up with a lady from motorhome rally and we took the Noosa river ferry , up to Noosa heads a beautiful day, you can get on and off at the different stops, the captain was very amusing with his "patter", had some lovely fish for lunch at the yacht club. Looked at the shops at Noosa Heads, same old same old, just twice as expensive! I am getting good, didn't buy anything! She dropped me off at the park and we arranged to go to Eumundi markets together in a few days time! I just veged out, did a lot of sewing and basically enjoyed the sunshine, lots of nice people parked around me in the caravan park, every day it filled up and in the morning different ones moved out. I was able to catch a bus from outside the park up to Tewantin, it was a 40 minute walk, (no thanks), I went by bus to Noosaville, to see a podiatrist as I was having a bit of trouble with my heel, she sorted that out with acupuncture, ouch! but I am walking a lot better now.
I left Noosa behind and headed to Bundaberg to join a solo group of motorhomers to go on a tagalong trip, destination unknown, (to me!) They were a nice bunch, only 5 vans, 4 ladies and a chap. we met at the Botanic gardens and off we went. Stopped the first night at Granite Rest area, quite nice , but very noisy from the traffic, a lot of vans pulled in, and more came in through the night! Then we headed off to Miriamvale and then Calliope. We parked beside the river at a free camp and went to the Calliope markets, they were over sat and sun, big markets, Sunday was the better day, more locals stuff. You need to get into that campsite early on market weekends, we were lucky to get 5 sites near each other. we had a small brazier fire at night. It was freezing! but gorgeous sunny days!The chap left us from there, he had to go North and the next day one of the ladies also parted company as she had to meet someone. So just 3 of us continued on to Ubobo, a really nice place, The discovery centre, not in camps books yet, but really well set up. We had access to bathrooms with Hot water, a laundry, free!, and flat screen tv to watch the Olympics!, power $12.00, no power $10.00 I think it was good value, they even gave us a password for the internet! Big problem is no mobile coverage. So that was another lovely couple of days and nights, frost! I then went up to 1770 and Agnes water with one of the ladies, I thought we were going to stay the night, but we just had a look! lovely beach, not as white sand as we have in wa! Then I followed her to her home in South Kolan, her son is a cane farmer and ginger, I am now trying to get someone to fix my roof hatch that has got a problem. So that is all for now I will next send from WA as I fly back in 10 days ! Regards
Finally I can report Qld has turned on the sun! I can report I am starting a tan, only the front of my legs!, as I sit out in my chair in the sunshine, I only tan on the front of my legs, definitely not a fashionable look!
I arrived at my caravan park which was really in Tewantin, and was guided into the campsite by a guy who obviously knew his stuff, but of course I have not been directed into a site before, so we had a bit of misunderstanding for a bit! He was saying "right hand down left hand down" etc, and I didn't have a clue what he meant, but it was turn steering wheel etc. When I got my ACT together I went onto the site in one smooth motion! This was vital as the park, and Noosa, had had 10 inches of rain in the last 10 days, so everything was boggy, huge ruts of mud at the verge of each site. The folk who ignored this guys instructions chewed up the ground more as they backed and forward to get on site. I was 2 inches off the concrete annexe pad when I was parked, Really good. Over the next 10 days I was there I watched this bloke park nearly every one with just one smooth motion.
Luckily the sun started shining the next day and has stayed ever since. I met up with a lady from motorhome rally and we took the Noosa river ferry , up to Noosa heads a beautiful day, you can get on and off at the different stops, the captain was very amusing with his "patter", had some lovely fish for lunch at the yacht club. Looked at the shops at Noosa Heads, same old same old, just twice as expensive! I am getting good, didn't buy anything! She dropped me off at the park and we arranged to go to Eumundi markets together in a few days time! I just veged out, did a lot of sewing and basically enjoyed the sunshine, lots of nice people parked around me in the caravan park, every day it filled up and in the morning different ones moved out. I was able to catch a bus from outside the park up to Tewantin, it was a 40 minute walk, (no thanks), I went by bus to Noosaville, to see a podiatrist as I was having a bit of trouble with my heel, she sorted that out with acupuncture, ouch! but I am walking a lot better now.
I left Noosa behind and headed to Bundaberg to join a solo group of motorhomers to go on a tagalong trip, destination unknown, (to me!) They were a nice bunch, only 5 vans, 4 ladies and a chap. we met at the Botanic gardens and off we went. Stopped the first night at Granite Rest area, quite nice , but very noisy from the traffic, a lot of vans pulled in, and more came in through the night! Then we headed off to Miriamvale and then Calliope. We parked beside the river at a free camp and went to the Calliope markets, they were over sat and sun, big markets, Sunday was the better day, more locals stuff. You need to get into that campsite early on market weekends, we were lucky to get 5 sites near each other. we had a small brazier fire at night. It was freezing! but gorgeous sunny days!The chap left us from there, he had to go North and the next day one of the ladies also parted company as she had to meet someone. So just 3 of us continued on to Ubobo, a really nice place, The discovery centre, not in camps books yet, but really well set up. We had access to bathrooms with Hot water, a laundry, free!, and flat screen tv to watch the Olympics!, power $12.00, no power $10.00 I think it was good value, they even gave us a password for the internet! Big problem is no mobile coverage. So that was another lovely couple of days and nights, frost! I then went up to 1770 and Agnes water with one of the ladies, I thought we were going to stay the night, but we just had a look! lovely beach, not as white sand as we have in wa! Then I followed her to her home in South Kolan, her son is a cane farmer and ginger, I am now trying to get someone to fix my roof hatch that has got a problem. So that is all for now I will next send from WA as I fly back in 10 days ! Regards
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Quilting at Eumundi
Hi All, This is one mainly for the quilters!
I arrived at Eumundi in Qld, on a wet and miserable day, drove to the showgrounds/camping spot. Only to find the solid ground was on a quite heavy slope, and because of the the oval was not available! Great! I parked on the least sloping section after driving all over the area! Spent the night dragging my bedding back onto the bed! Not a happy vegemite! Thursday I drove back into town to have a look at the place where the quilting was and a parking place was available and fairly flat, Got back to the showgrounds and the caretaker had tried to make me a ramp to drive up onto to get a bit more level. Not very successful, but I guess he got marks for trying! In the meantime the rain was still pouring down, (and did I say it was no power?). I had my first moment of depression in the whole trip, I thought, what am I doing here in the rain and cold? Vicki go home! Well I had paid for my workshop , so I wasn't not doing that! Friday morning bright and early I headed into town and parked at the school hall , got a fairly flat spot, only took up one "official" parking space, as I overhung some bare ground. Took my stuff into the hall and we were off. A lovely bunch of ladies doing the same quilts as me, from all over Australia and a lady from Nz. So I missed out as the most travelled to get there! My sister Maxine's friend Heather, came over from WA, It was through her I was there> I had never heard of it. Not surprising as it was the first event. I think it will be a goer though!
I was booked in to do a Karen Styles quilt, she is from Somerset Quilting/patchwork? Her quilts are reproduction ones, as ypou will see from the photos, fairly intricate, and done by hand! (another one!) First day was a lovely Lemoyne star quilt. I managed to achieve one star and half of a 2nd! Friday night there was a meal and a"trunk " show, where the tutors show their work, from suitcases! I took lots of photos, generally got someones head in them. I went off to bed in the car park, ready to pay first thing in the morning as the "famous" Eumundi markets were on and the school makes money by charging for the parking. We were warned to pay up, no arguing, and the quilt people would refund us our parking money. I was quite happy to pay up to 20 dollars, However the man made me move to another area and only took $5. Problem was he moved me to a shady spot, and remember this was day 5 without power and no sun! When we came out from 2nd day of sewing and I moved the van back to my original spot, I was on flashing battery warning. I showered quickly and changed as we went out to dinner, and after wards went to bed and read by torchlight! Day 2 in quilting was an unusual, theme, Each of the 3 tutors taught their techniques, on one overall quilt, moving around the room , so each person got 2 hours from each tutor, but only working on one quilt. Does that make sense? Anyway, another handmade quilt, some different methods, more fabric, more templates, english paper piecing, etc , get the picture? Day 3 another quilt!, fabric, templates, english paper piecing, hand piecing, reproduction fabrics! All these quilts are at least 60", mine of course, are 80 and 90 ", never do things by halves when you can do it the hard way. Now I have 4 reproduction quilts on the go, but I don't need anything else! who can believe that? So endeth the Eumundi lesson!
Next on the agenda, was catching up with various motorhoming groups in some nearby places as I am booked into Noosa, for 10 days from Monday. First I went to Kandanga, bowling club, very welcoming group, had dinner at the club for a very reasonable cost, spent a few days there then drove around in a circle to Kenilworth, via Buderim, the ginger factory and across the road to the chocolate and Macadamia nut factory!! Filled the fridge with goodies!! Kennilworth has a great cheese factory, with lovely goodies also, including wonderful icecreams and other wonderful things to eat. (Its a wonder I am able to lose weight at all, even maintaining it would be a miracle considering all the fabulous tastes I have been trying!) but I am! losing a bit gradually. that is.
Met more great people at these 2 motorhoming chapter gatherings, everyone is so welcoming. doesn't matter who or what you are, if you are driving a motorhome, it is welcome with open arms! Some even acknowledge caravanners!!
Anyway, it turned wet and cold at Kenilworth, the ground underfoot positively saturated, one was wading through deep watery grass, ugh!! I succumbed and bought gumboots, finally! Very pretty, pink with black ponies or something, one is faded so I got a good deal. Who cares if they are faded so long as I can walk in the wet conditions with my feet dry? I was going to go and visit another chapter gathering, but friends warned me it was just as wet, as Kennilworth , so I decided to come back to Kandanga, just a donation to the bowling club, I have power, and there is a combined toilet and shower, unisex, but that doesn't affect me as I use my own in the night time. Dinner at the club on Friday night and dinner at the pub Sat night!, great, monday Noosa here I come.
I hope I can put the photos in, but if not you may get them shortly. Keep your chin up and keep smiling, Love and best wishes to you all
love vicki
I arrived at Eumundi in Qld, on a wet and miserable day, drove to the showgrounds/camping spot. Only to find the solid ground was on a quite heavy slope, and because of the the oval was not available! Great! I parked on the least sloping section after driving all over the area! Spent the night dragging my bedding back onto the bed! Not a happy vegemite! Thursday I drove back into town to have a look at the place where the quilting was and a parking place was available and fairly flat, Got back to the showgrounds and the caretaker had tried to make me a ramp to drive up onto to get a bit more level. Not very successful, but I guess he got marks for trying! In the meantime the rain was still pouring down, (and did I say it was no power?). I had my first moment of depression in the whole trip, I thought, what am I doing here in the rain and cold? Vicki go home! Well I had paid for my workshop , so I wasn't not doing that! Friday morning bright and early I headed into town and parked at the school hall , got a fairly flat spot, only took up one "official" parking space, as I overhung some bare ground. Took my stuff into the hall and we were off. A lovely bunch of ladies doing the same quilts as me, from all over Australia and a lady from Nz. So I missed out as the most travelled to get there! My sister Maxine's friend Heather, came over from WA, It was through her I was there> I had never heard of it. Not surprising as it was the first event. I think it will be a goer though!
I was booked in to do a Karen Styles quilt, she is from Somerset Quilting/patchwork? Her quilts are reproduction ones, as ypou will see from the photos, fairly intricate, and done by hand! (another one!) First day was a lovely Lemoyne star quilt. I managed to achieve one star and half of a 2nd! Friday night there was a meal and a"trunk " show, where the tutors show their work, from suitcases! I took lots of photos, generally got someones head in them. I went off to bed in the car park, ready to pay first thing in the morning as the "famous" Eumundi markets were on and the school makes money by charging for the parking. We were warned to pay up, no arguing, and the quilt people would refund us our parking money. I was quite happy to pay up to 20 dollars, However the man made me move to another area and only took $5. Problem was he moved me to a shady spot, and remember this was day 5 without power and no sun! When we came out from 2nd day of sewing and I moved the van back to my original spot, I was on flashing battery warning. I showered quickly and changed as we went out to dinner, and after wards went to bed and read by torchlight! Day 2 in quilting was an unusual, theme, Each of the 3 tutors taught their techniques, on one overall quilt, moving around the room , so each person got 2 hours from each tutor, but only working on one quilt. Does that make sense? Anyway, another handmade quilt, some different methods, more fabric, more templates, english paper piecing, etc , get the picture? Day 3 another quilt!, fabric, templates, english paper piecing, hand piecing, reproduction fabrics! All these quilts are at least 60", mine of course, are 80 and 90 ", never do things by halves when you can do it the hard way. Now I have 4 reproduction quilts on the go, but I don't need anything else! who can believe that? So endeth the Eumundi lesson!
Next on the agenda, was catching up with various motorhoming groups in some nearby places as I am booked into Noosa, for 10 days from Monday. First I went to Kandanga, bowling club, very welcoming group, had dinner at the club for a very reasonable cost, spent a few days there then drove around in a circle to Kenilworth, via Buderim, the ginger factory and across the road to the chocolate and Macadamia nut factory!! Filled the fridge with goodies!! Kennilworth has a great cheese factory, with lovely goodies also, including wonderful icecreams and other wonderful things to eat. (Its a wonder I am able to lose weight at all, even maintaining it would be a miracle considering all the fabulous tastes I have been trying!) but I am! losing a bit gradually. that is.
Met more great people at these 2 motorhoming chapter gatherings, everyone is so welcoming. doesn't matter who or what you are, if you are driving a motorhome, it is welcome with open arms! Some even acknowledge caravanners!!
Anyway, it turned wet and cold at Kenilworth, the ground underfoot positively saturated, one was wading through deep watery grass, ugh!! I succumbed and bought gumboots, finally! Very pretty, pink with black ponies or something, one is faded so I got a good deal. Who cares if they are faded so long as I can walk in the wet conditions with my feet dry? I was going to go and visit another chapter gathering, but friends warned me it was just as wet, as Kennilworth , so I decided to come back to Kandanga, just a donation to the bowling club, I have power, and there is a combined toilet and shower, unisex, but that doesn't affect me as I use my own in the night time. Dinner at the club on Friday night and dinner at the pub Sat night!, great, monday Noosa here I come.
I hope I can put the photos in, but if not you may get them shortly. Keep your chin up and keep smiling, Love and best wishes to you all
love vicki
Monday, June 25, 2012
Where did NSW go to?
Hi All!
I really am being very slack! I have been throiugh a whole state and haven't filled you in yet! So, NSW, well I had a nice time after I got organised.
Lets go back to my arrival at Bateman's Bay, I was late as I HAD to stop and do a patchwork class at Narooma, so I arrived in the dark and rain! The park directed me to my site, which had a vehicle parked on it! No worries, I will just park beside it, driving forward, as in the morning I will set up properly. First get some power on, where is it? I'm slopping around in a downpour, getting seriously cranky and wet, my shoes, (and feet) soaking, eventually I rang the office and they came down and pointed out the power box on the next site. So I just crawled into the shower and had a cup of soup and put the heater on, and then to bed, get the picture? Next day I got sorted for my 10, 9 left, days in batemans bay. I spoke to the folk over from me, (their car!) and learned , 5 mins after I had put up my awning, there was a major storm coming, with king tides and big swell! A couple of weeks previously, there had been a flood in the park, the creek about 20 metres from my van overflowed its banks! The park was quite hilly! but I was parked at the bottom! I put my rear stabiliser legs down, something I only do when I am stopping for several days. Thank heavens! That night we had 120 knot winds, lashing rains, the whole works. The van rocked and was buffeted all night.But the van withstood the lot. In the morning I walked over the road to the lovely little cove and it was amazing, what a night can do. High tides had washed up a ton of debris, tree trunks , the sand washed away and lots of pebbles fom somewhere! So that was the start of my days in Batemans bay!
Luckily the weather cleared up and the sun came out, sort of! There was a very efficient courtesy bus service to the Clubs in town, and I learned to get them to pick me up, walk in one door and out the next, go and do my shopping, and then come back, eat lunch cheaply and get a ride back to the park, after I paid a taxi $17.00 for the ride into town. The trouble with the travel auction system is, you don't know where in the towns the parks are, and I am finding they are often out of the edge of town. therefore I sometimes have difficulty getting around, but as I say in Nsw and Victoria, and I hope in Ql, the good ole' Leagues and Rsl clubs, run courtesy buses for all!
After bateman's bay i travelled to Huskisson, near Shoalhaven, where I stayed for a couple of days, was going to go on a whale watching cruise, it is quite a famous area for it, but guess what! the bad weather which was still hanging around meant the cruises were cancelled! aa!!! I drove out of there in disgust, although it was a very pretty beach. Next spot was to catch up with a fellow patchworker from my last years Dorrigo trip. Caroline lived at Leura in the Blue Mountains, Gorgeous drive up there, I took the Richmond/ Springwood road, complete with fabulous views and hairpin bends. Then hit the main road up to the mountains and an hours worth of roadworks! God help the poor people who commute down to Sydney, apparently it has been going on for some time. I drove up on a Friday, but it was the middle of the day and I sat at two points for over half an hour waiting for access to the road!
Caroline lives in a gorgeous cottage, thank god centrally heated, with a cute burmese pussycat. we had a lovely time together, talking pachwork, and between the rain showers, she drove me to Katoomba and to see some patchwork shops! Naturally! Saturday morning we drove down to Penrith to see another shop! So I got to see a bit of the local area.
I took off the next day for the central coast, and tried once more my friends from the 2010 trip. I had been calling them for weeks, but that morning I found a different address card for them and thought I would give it one more try. Guess what, first ring almost, Hazel answered! So I called into them at Toukley. They have a lovely home looking over the lake. I stayed the night with them and we had a really nicee timne, Hazel and I bonded over beading classes on the Aurora, and then we were on the same ship back to Australia from July, where we also beaded away! So I got my beads out and we each made a new pattern Hazel had, really lovely Bracelet. When mike got home it was a great reunion. We went out to dinner at a nearby club, they really get some great cheap meals from them, and they are all over the place. Something us west australians aren't used to, I suppose the pokies are what subsidise the prices, and really that is not a great thing to be encouraging, the gambling, but you get some great benefits!
Headed off the next morning to Grafton, via a place called woolgoolga(?) i think, where I sat for about 2 hours at the lighthouse lookout, as whales had been seen. But not by me! They were all gone by the time I was there! Stopped the night at the Grafton Greyhound Club, hardly any room as they were gearing up for a big racing carnival, lots of sleek greyhounds being walked around by their owners/trainers. As I only wanted one night they were ok, I was sort of parked outside the gate with my power cord through the fence! I know Grafton is famous for its Jacaranda trees, but I didn't realise how many trees there were.! I just thought they must have yhad a few streets of them, but practically every street is lined with them, It must be spectacular in the spring! Another thing was in the old part, at least, 90% of the houses are 2 storey, and what I would have called "Queenslanders". I was really surprised. They look so fresh and pretty, but the painting must be a nightmare!
Leaving Grafton, I took one of my now famous, backroads, along a river and across a ferry, on my way to Ballina, and again was surprised to find sugar cane growing . I didn't know they grew it so far south! There was a lot of it and a couple of sugar refineries. I carried on up the coast from Ballina toByron Bay, to the lighthouse and the most easterly point of Australia. I drove the motorhome up to the lighthouse parking area, where they charge 7 bucks for an hour up there, but the car park was chokkers, so I managed to take some photos from the vehicle and turned and drove back down, no charge! Byron Bay was full of trendy people, and backpackers, it is a strange mix. The cars are either latest european models or " wicked" vans! I continued on to a free camp at Stott Island, no 1 in the camps 6 book for Nsw. Some West Aussies pulled in towing a poptop, and she was a hairdresser, so I had a haircut, a pretty good one too! They knew people from Geraldton, the name was familiar but noone I knew! Funnily, before they pulled up, a fellow who was already parked there in a motorhome, who had an Italian accent, asked me if I was italian, and then when the wa couple pulled in and she was doing my hair she said it too. ( I used to get asked it a lot when I was younger). She knew Teresa Italiano(?) fromGeraldton a hairdresser.
So there I was leaving Nsw and heading into Qld, but that is for the next blog! To all of you with troubles, my thoughts are often with you. I hope those special people I know who have health worries, are feeling better soon. Keep in touch and God bless,
I really am being very slack! I have been throiugh a whole state and haven't filled you in yet! So, NSW, well I had a nice time after I got organised.
Lets go back to my arrival at Bateman's Bay, I was late as I HAD to stop and do a patchwork class at Narooma, so I arrived in the dark and rain! The park directed me to my site, which had a vehicle parked on it! No worries, I will just park beside it, driving forward, as in the morning I will set up properly. First get some power on, where is it? I'm slopping around in a downpour, getting seriously cranky and wet, my shoes, (and feet) soaking, eventually I rang the office and they came down and pointed out the power box on the next site. So I just crawled into the shower and had a cup of soup and put the heater on, and then to bed, get the picture? Next day I got sorted for my 10, 9 left, days in batemans bay. I spoke to the folk over from me, (their car!) and learned , 5 mins after I had put up my awning, there was a major storm coming, with king tides and big swell! A couple of weeks previously, there had been a flood in the park, the creek about 20 metres from my van overflowed its banks! The park was quite hilly! but I was parked at the bottom! I put my rear stabiliser legs down, something I only do when I am stopping for several days. Thank heavens! That night we had 120 knot winds, lashing rains, the whole works. The van rocked and was buffeted all night.But the van withstood the lot. In the morning I walked over the road to the lovely little cove and it was amazing, what a night can do. High tides had washed up a ton of debris, tree trunks , the sand washed away and lots of pebbles fom somewhere! So that was the start of my days in Batemans bay!
Luckily the weather cleared up and the sun came out, sort of! There was a very efficient courtesy bus service to the Clubs in town, and I learned to get them to pick me up, walk in one door and out the next, go and do my shopping, and then come back, eat lunch cheaply and get a ride back to the park, after I paid a taxi $17.00 for the ride into town. The trouble with the travel auction system is, you don't know where in the towns the parks are, and I am finding they are often out of the edge of town. therefore I sometimes have difficulty getting around, but as I say in Nsw and Victoria, and I hope in Ql, the good ole' Leagues and Rsl clubs, run courtesy buses for all!
After bateman's bay i travelled to Huskisson, near Shoalhaven, where I stayed for a couple of days, was going to go on a whale watching cruise, it is quite a famous area for it, but guess what! the bad weather which was still hanging around meant the cruises were cancelled! aa!!! I drove out of there in disgust, although it was a very pretty beach. Next spot was to catch up with a fellow patchworker from my last years Dorrigo trip. Caroline lived at Leura in the Blue Mountains, Gorgeous drive up there, I took the Richmond/ Springwood road, complete with fabulous views and hairpin bends. Then hit the main road up to the mountains and an hours worth of roadworks! God help the poor people who commute down to Sydney, apparently it has been going on for some time. I drove up on a Friday, but it was the middle of the day and I sat at two points for over half an hour waiting for access to the road!
Caroline lives in a gorgeous cottage, thank god centrally heated, with a cute burmese pussycat. we had a lovely time together, talking pachwork, and between the rain showers, she drove me to Katoomba and to see some patchwork shops! Naturally! Saturday morning we drove down to Penrith to see another shop! So I got to see a bit of the local area.
I took off the next day for the central coast, and tried once more my friends from the 2010 trip. I had been calling them for weeks, but that morning I found a different address card for them and thought I would give it one more try. Guess what, first ring almost, Hazel answered! So I called into them at Toukley. They have a lovely home looking over the lake. I stayed the night with them and we had a really nicee timne, Hazel and I bonded over beading classes on the Aurora, and then we were on the same ship back to Australia from July, where we also beaded away! So I got my beads out and we each made a new pattern Hazel had, really lovely Bracelet. When mike got home it was a great reunion. We went out to dinner at a nearby club, they really get some great cheap meals from them, and they are all over the place. Something us west australians aren't used to, I suppose the pokies are what subsidise the prices, and really that is not a great thing to be encouraging, the gambling, but you get some great benefits!
Headed off the next morning to Grafton, via a place called woolgoolga(?) i think, where I sat for about 2 hours at the lighthouse lookout, as whales had been seen. But not by me! They were all gone by the time I was there! Stopped the night at the Grafton Greyhound Club, hardly any room as they were gearing up for a big racing carnival, lots of sleek greyhounds being walked around by their owners/trainers. As I only wanted one night they were ok, I was sort of parked outside the gate with my power cord through the fence! I know Grafton is famous for its Jacaranda trees, but I didn't realise how many trees there were.! I just thought they must have yhad a few streets of them, but practically every street is lined with them, It must be spectacular in the spring! Another thing was in the old part, at least, 90% of the houses are 2 storey, and what I would have called "Queenslanders". I was really surprised. They look so fresh and pretty, but the painting must be a nightmare!
Leaving Grafton, I took one of my now famous, backroads, along a river and across a ferry, on my way to Ballina, and again was surprised to find sugar cane growing . I didn't know they grew it so far south! There was a lot of it and a couple of sugar refineries. I carried on up the coast from Ballina toByron Bay, to the lighthouse and the most easterly point of Australia. I drove the motorhome up to the lighthouse parking area, where they charge 7 bucks for an hour up there, but the car park was chokkers, so I managed to take some photos from the vehicle and turned and drove back down, no charge! Byron Bay was full of trendy people, and backpackers, it is a strange mix. The cars are either latest european models or " wicked" vans! I continued on to a free camp at Stott Island, no 1 in the camps 6 book for Nsw. Some West Aussies pulled in towing a poptop, and she was a hairdresser, so I had a haircut, a pretty good one too! They knew people from Geraldton, the name was familiar but noone I knew! Funnily, before they pulled up, a fellow who was already parked there in a motorhome, who had an Italian accent, asked me if I was italian, and then when the wa couple pulled in and she was doing my hair she said it too. ( I used to get asked it a lot when I was younger). She knew Teresa Italiano(?) fromGeraldton a hairdresser.
So there I was leaving Nsw and heading into Qld, but that is for the next blog! To all of you with troubles, my thoughts are often with you. I hope those special people I know who have health worries, are feeling better soon. Keep in touch and God bless,
Monday, June 4, 2012
Farewell to Victoria
Hi all,
as you can see from the title of this post, I have left Victoria. I spent a lovely 10 days in Lakes Entrance, I was in a nice caravan park, unfortunately it was a fair way out of town, (Lakes' is a long thin town, along the shore). Lucky for me there was a bus service that did a loop around town and stopped right outside the park, only $1.80 for whole day. I used it quite a bit!!
I was waiting for mail and lots of parcels, wine club, my health supplements, more coffee supplies, etc. Also I had a little drama back in woodleigh, I lost/ mislaid a diamond earring at the hairdressers (I hoped!) and was waiting for Glenda to retreive it for me and then send it on. As it happened I did leave it at the hairdressers, and Glenda sent it to me by registered mail! Ha! It was posted in Loch on Monday at 1140am. and didn't get to Lakes Entrance until Monday following, a huge distance of about 200kms! I was getting beside myself as you might imagine! I was leaving town on Monday and went to the PO to see if they had news of it,"no", I explained we had tried to track it over the internet as I had the registering number, and they checked and Lo and behold! it was at Lakes Entrance! I wonder how long it had been there? there is nothing to say when it had arived. as I only got to sign an electronic gadget, not the book like in the olden days! I also had a problem at the bank, which took about 2 hrs to sort, as I had to go to the library , get on the internet, and then print out stuff for the bank, then go back to the bank with it. By the time I left Lakes it was mid afternoon! So I only drove to Marlo, where the Snowy River meets the sea! (see pic at end)
But I digress, while I was in Sale I took a lovely 3 hour boat cruise on the Lake, to Metung for lunch, and it was very pleasant, beautiful day, yummy lunch at the pub! gorgeous scenery along the water front. Carol's friend took me to a Cancer big morning tea, very nice, they had an auction, I tried to do my bit for fundraising, and bid for a gourmet organic hamper. yum! I got it too! Carol's friend is a patchworker also, so that was the connection, unfortunately the lady isn't well as she also has cancer, and was quite exhausted by the mornings event, I wish her well.
Margaret, from Sale, (and previously from Exmouth) came over on Saturday, with another girlfriend, and I packed my toothbrush and we went out to Tylers Lake Beach, where she has a holiday cottage, very comfortable, and we had a nice pub tea. Poor Margaret, must have been really worn out as she slept until about 10.30 ish! But what the heck! that is what relaxing weekends are about! We drove back to Lakes and went to a Yumcha floating restaurant for lunch. Fabulous food, I was sorry to leave! I know Margaret will be going back!
From Marlo, I drove on to Mallacoota, the last coastal town in Victoria, great pub food! had a beautiful site right on the waters edge. Mallacoota apparently has the biggest caravan park in Victoria/ australia? over 700 sites! I would hate to be there in summer or school holidays! Then crossed the border into NSW. Nothing out of the ordinary at the border, I only knew I had crossed because Victoria said farewell! NSW didn't welcome you in! The road was very beautiful, steep hills/mountains, nicely winding roads! thank you! and veeeery tall straight trees, not as big as Karri around the trunks, but still very tall. Drove to Eden on the east coast, this is the harbour where all the Sydney/Hobart yacht race boats limp into if they get into trouble. It is a pretty harbour with a hill top ridge dividing the harbour into 2. Twofold bay it is called. ( I think that is the best way I can describe it.) I drove up to the lookout, very beautiful views, and walked back along the path, and there was a huge black snake, just beside the path!!! I almost had a heart attack!, I am sure it wasn't there when I went out to the lookout. It was near a wire fence, stoppng people from falling over the cliff, and as I watched, it uncoiled itself and went through the wire and disappeared! I waited and warned a couple who were still out at the lookout, in case it came back further along the track. I am no snake expert, it could have been a python for all I know! But I thought of all the time I have been on the road and it is only the 2nd one I have seen (fairly close up). Certainly as close as I fancy anyway!
I had the best seafood lunch I have had since I started travelling, finally, at Eden, down at the fishermens wharf. Luscious oysters, Mussels Kilpatrick, (have never had them before!) scallops in wine, prawns with garlic and something, and fabulous fish. Not cheap, but sooo delicious!
Next morning I was on my way again, along the coastal road to Tathra, but not before I went down to the fishermens Harbour and got some smoked (locally) mussels and salmon. Yum! Tathra was another delightful place on the beach front, pretty ordinary caravan parks, but they are getting pricey! I can't wait until it gets warm enough for me to free camp again! Friday, I was on the road again to Narooma, a patchwork shop the attraction, although there were some at Merimbula, I couldn't face the traffic and the bustle of the place to try and find it. I had been advised that Narooma's was a great shop. You got it, they were right!! So good in fact, that she was having a workshop the next day, so I decided to delay my leave until after it was over! I enjoyed it, the ladies were friendly and curious, as everyone is I meet, about my travels,and I almost finished a very smart bag, certainly I will this week. Only have to sew the side seams and put the straps and binding on. I was so late leaving to get to Batemans' Bay, that I was driving in the dark, and that is almost a first, (2nd actually). I arrived at my park in the dark and rain! ugh! any way that is for next blog.
Bye for now and keep smiling! Love vicki
Snowy river estuary, meeting Bass Strait .
as you can see from the title of this post, I have left Victoria. I spent a lovely 10 days in Lakes Entrance, I was in a nice caravan park, unfortunately it was a fair way out of town, (Lakes' is a long thin town, along the shore). Lucky for me there was a bus service that did a loop around town and stopped right outside the park, only $1.80 for whole day. I used it quite a bit!!
I was waiting for mail and lots of parcels, wine club, my health supplements, more coffee supplies, etc. Also I had a little drama back in woodleigh, I lost/ mislaid a diamond earring at the hairdressers (I hoped!) and was waiting for Glenda to retreive it for me and then send it on. As it happened I did leave it at the hairdressers, and Glenda sent it to me by registered mail! Ha! It was posted in Loch on Monday at 1140am. and didn't get to Lakes Entrance until Monday following, a huge distance of about 200kms! I was getting beside myself as you might imagine! I was leaving town on Monday and went to the PO to see if they had news of it,"no", I explained we had tried to track it over the internet as I had the registering number, and they checked and Lo and behold! it was at Lakes Entrance! I wonder how long it had been there? there is nothing to say when it had arived. as I only got to sign an electronic gadget, not the book like in the olden days! I also had a problem at the bank, which took about 2 hrs to sort, as I had to go to the library , get on the internet, and then print out stuff for the bank, then go back to the bank with it. By the time I left Lakes it was mid afternoon! So I only drove to Marlo, where the Snowy River meets the sea! (see pic at end)
But I digress, while I was in Sale I took a lovely 3 hour boat cruise on the Lake, to Metung for lunch, and it was very pleasant, beautiful day, yummy lunch at the pub! gorgeous scenery along the water front. Carol's friend took me to a Cancer big morning tea, very nice, they had an auction, I tried to do my bit for fundraising, and bid for a gourmet organic hamper. yum! I got it too! Carol's friend is a patchworker also, so that was the connection, unfortunately the lady isn't well as she also has cancer, and was quite exhausted by the mornings event, I wish her well.
Margaret, from Sale, (and previously from Exmouth) came over on Saturday, with another girlfriend, and I packed my toothbrush and we went out to Tylers Lake Beach, where she has a holiday cottage, very comfortable, and we had a nice pub tea. Poor Margaret, must have been really worn out as she slept until about 10.30 ish! But what the heck! that is what relaxing weekends are about! We drove back to Lakes and went to a Yumcha floating restaurant for lunch. Fabulous food, I was sorry to leave! I know Margaret will be going back!
From Marlo, I drove on to Mallacoota, the last coastal town in Victoria, great pub food! had a beautiful site right on the waters edge. Mallacoota apparently has the biggest caravan park in Victoria/ australia? over 700 sites! I would hate to be there in summer or school holidays! Then crossed the border into NSW. Nothing out of the ordinary at the border, I only knew I had crossed because Victoria said farewell! NSW didn't welcome you in! The road was very beautiful, steep hills/mountains, nicely winding roads! thank you! and veeeery tall straight trees, not as big as Karri around the trunks, but still very tall. Drove to Eden on the east coast, this is the harbour where all the Sydney/Hobart yacht race boats limp into if they get into trouble. It is a pretty harbour with a hill top ridge dividing the harbour into 2. Twofold bay it is called. ( I think that is the best way I can describe it.) I drove up to the lookout, very beautiful views, and walked back along the path, and there was a huge black snake, just beside the path!!! I almost had a heart attack!, I am sure it wasn't there when I went out to the lookout. It was near a wire fence, stoppng people from falling over the cliff, and as I watched, it uncoiled itself and went through the wire and disappeared! I waited and warned a couple who were still out at the lookout, in case it came back further along the track. I am no snake expert, it could have been a python for all I know! But I thought of all the time I have been on the road and it is only the 2nd one I have seen (fairly close up). Certainly as close as I fancy anyway!
I had the best seafood lunch I have had since I started travelling, finally, at Eden, down at the fishermens wharf. Luscious oysters, Mussels Kilpatrick, (have never had them before!) scallops in wine, prawns with garlic and something, and fabulous fish. Not cheap, but sooo delicious!
Next morning I was on my way again, along the coastal road to Tathra, but not before I went down to the fishermens Harbour and got some smoked (locally) mussels and salmon. Yum! Tathra was another delightful place on the beach front, pretty ordinary caravan parks, but they are getting pricey! I can't wait until it gets warm enough for me to free camp again! Friday, I was on the road again to Narooma, a patchwork shop the attraction, although there were some at Merimbula, I couldn't face the traffic and the bustle of the place to try and find it. I had been advised that Narooma's was a great shop. You got it, they were right!! So good in fact, that she was having a workshop the next day, so I decided to delay my leave until after it was over! I enjoyed it, the ladies were friendly and curious, as everyone is I meet, about my travels,and I almost finished a very smart bag, certainly I will this week. Only have to sew the side seams and put the straps and binding on. I was so late leaving to get to Batemans' Bay, that I was driving in the dark, and that is almost a first, (2nd actually). I arrived at my park in the dark and rain! ugh! any way that is for next blog.
Bye for now and keep smiling! Love vicki
Snowy river estuary, meeting Bass Strait .
Friday, May 18, 2012
Home again
Hi I have been really slack about posting a new blog these last few weeks. It's not like I have been rushed off my feet!
I flew back to WA from Melbourne in mid April. Leaving from my friends farm in Woodleigh, I was driven to the bus at Loch and went into Southern Cross Station , then transferred to a shuttle to get out to the airport. Spent a couple of hours in the Qantas Club, that place is a godsend!, and then nhad a good flight back to WA. picked up a hire car, although prebooked, I didn't get what I asked for! Sometimes I wonder whether it is all worth it?
I spent the night at Carol and Robs' and then hotfooted it down to South Yunderup to pick up my sewing things and then into Pinjarra for patchwork! Read on and you will find how I spent the next 2 weeks glued to the seat of the car! I did almost 3000kms and drove up and down to Perth , to Bunbury and Busselton, to Jurien and geraldton, then back to perth and Bunbury and busselton. get the picture?
I visited mum, who of course is one of the main reasons I travel back to WA, also to attend my patchwork groups retreat. (thank god that restores my sanity!) I managed to finish my friend Yvonne's quilt, with some help from Jean, my sister, thank you (XX). I also caught up with Kath in Busselton, and visited with my daughter in Bunbury. Least said about that the better! She is having a few problems at the moment, and don't start me on that or my blood pressure will go through the roof! (I also send this to her, sooo!!) One morning we woke up to the most beautiful sunrise, Lawrie took the picture, as I managed to take my camera over to WA but not the charger
Had a wonderful retreat with my patchworking friends at Jurien, then went on up to Geraldton for the night so I could see my son and his wife, and the grandchildren. They are all growing up so much now, I really see a difference in their maturity each time I visit, Genevieve's children too. Jye, genevieve's only boy, now towers over me, and had to bend right over to give me a kiss!
Got a clean bill of health from the specialist, which was good, also he did my medical for the Next years trip.
So finally the trip was over, I was only home for 2 weeks this time, flew back to Melbourne and stayed the night in a hotel opposite the station.!! Ha!! I chose this hotel as it said on wotif site, it was opposite the Southern Cross Railway station. Now, I am not a Victorian, and how was I to know the station is about a mile long on Spencer/Flinders st? (whichever?) So I come out of the station and can't see any hotel, I ask someone where is Little Collins St? "oh just up there, next corner" I drag my 25.8kg suitcase and carryon bag and enormous handbag, along the st for about a mile!! dislocating my shoulder in the process!! Then find it is a hotel with steps up to the foyer!! Who the hell designs these places anyway?? Well I had a good nights' sleep! and then back by bus to Loch and pick up by my friends' daughter and back to the farm at woodleigh. Where the weather had changed for the worst and I slept inside the house for the next week. Complete with a wonderful wood heater, which kept me cosy.
I had the loan of a vehicle again, not the convertible this time, but the farm ute! and was able to go into Korumburra to patchwork stitch and sew. Did I tell you in the last blog that I had started a new quilt, a reproduction one from 1920's, called the Farmers Wife, all 111 blocks, 6 inches, sewn by hand! Got hooked into that before I went home, managed to knock off a few blocks , and have been happily stitching eversince! have finished 8 blocks now.
I booked the motorhome in for a tooilet service back at Hastings, and went off there on Thursday, a week after I got back from WA. and apparently got the toilet fixed. Guess what? it isn't!!! I only found that out yesterday, as I have been cheating and staying with friends, since it was serviced, in their houses! Monday morning I will be on the phone again.
My Woodleigh friend, who dates back to when I lived in Donnybrook in 1980's, and I were continually playing catchup, as we crossed paths for only a day at a time, hence the reason why I stayed there so long! She came back from working away (in WA), so I stayed another couple of days and then pushed on east to Sale again, to catch up with another old friend. (from Exmouth days 1970's) She is a teacher so I arrived on the weekend and we had a good catchup, We actually visited her in 1977 when we went around Australia in our Kopmbi van, at that time she lived in Heyfield, a pretty little town just outside Sale, and she also recalled visiting us in Donnybrook in the 80's, as she went sailing with us on our yacht. But it has been a long time. Margaret had Monday off, so we did a little sightseeing tour around, and lunched at a wonderful place with a great range of local wines!! I was at Salwe over Mothers Day and she visited her children up in Melbourne for the day, so I had a quiet time catching up on washing and watching dvd's of Downton Abbey, (bliss).
Next destination was Raymond Island to visit Bet, Carol's mother, who I went to Usa and a Carribbean cruise with in 2009. I met her at Paynesville, which is a wonderful haven for yachties and other boats on the Victorian lakes, and you take the ferry over to Raymond Island, only about 10 minutes, and a great service for the residents. Raymond Island is home to a large colony of Koalas, every house has koalas in their trees etc, (not this week!) Bet took me for a drive around the island, it is apparently 9 miles by 7 miles large and we only managed to see 1!! Oh well them's the breaks! I went over to Bairnsdale with Bet as she had a meeting at the RSL Club, so I amused myself "playing" the pokies! Losing !! Then we had a lovely afternoon tea with some of her friends and dinner with her sister in law and niece, lots of champagne being drunk, Bet is a woman after my own heart! She arranged for me to go down the road to a neighbours for a stitch and bitch session, lovely!! I finished off my stay with a quick trip to the local dentist! where I found I need some majpor work to be done, so I have already booked into Geraldton for August! and here I am noe in Lakes Entrance for 10 days, planning my route to Qld . God bless to all especially Adele ( keep strong!) and I will send again soon
Love Vicki
I flew back to WA from Melbourne in mid April. Leaving from my friends farm in Woodleigh, I was driven to the bus at Loch and went into Southern Cross Station , then transferred to a shuttle to get out to the airport. Spent a couple of hours in the Qantas Club, that place is a godsend!, and then nhad a good flight back to WA. picked up a hire car, although prebooked, I didn't get what I asked for! Sometimes I wonder whether it is all worth it?
I spent the night at Carol and Robs' and then hotfooted it down to South Yunderup to pick up my sewing things and then into Pinjarra for patchwork! Read on and you will find how I spent the next 2 weeks glued to the seat of the car! I did almost 3000kms and drove up and down to Perth , to Bunbury and Busselton, to Jurien and geraldton, then back to perth and Bunbury and busselton. get the picture?
I visited mum, who of course is one of the main reasons I travel back to WA, also to attend my patchwork groups retreat. (thank god that restores my sanity!) I managed to finish my friend Yvonne's quilt, with some help from Jean, my sister, thank you (XX). I also caught up with Kath in Busselton, and visited with my daughter in Bunbury. Least said about that the better! She is having a few problems at the moment, and don't start me on that or my blood pressure will go through the roof! (I also send this to her, sooo!!) One morning we woke up to the most beautiful sunrise, Lawrie took the picture, as I managed to take my camera over to WA but not the charger
Had a wonderful retreat with my patchworking friends at Jurien, then went on up to Geraldton for the night so I could see my son and his wife, and the grandchildren. They are all growing up so much now, I really see a difference in their maturity each time I visit, Genevieve's children too. Jye, genevieve's only boy, now towers over me, and had to bend right over to give me a kiss!
Got a clean bill of health from the specialist, which was good, also he did my medical for the Next years trip.
So finally the trip was over, I was only home for 2 weeks this time, flew back to Melbourne and stayed the night in a hotel opposite the station.!! Ha!! I chose this hotel as it said on wotif site, it was opposite the Southern Cross Railway station. Now, I am not a Victorian, and how was I to know the station is about a mile long on Spencer/Flinders st? (whichever?) So I come out of the station and can't see any hotel, I ask someone where is Little Collins St? "oh just up there, next corner" I drag my 25.8kg suitcase and carryon bag and enormous handbag, along the st for about a mile!! dislocating my shoulder in the process!! Then find it is a hotel with steps up to the foyer!! Who the hell designs these places anyway?? Well I had a good nights' sleep! and then back by bus to Loch and pick up by my friends' daughter and back to the farm at woodleigh. Where the weather had changed for the worst and I slept inside the house for the next week. Complete with a wonderful wood heater, which kept me cosy.
I had the loan of a vehicle again, not the convertible this time, but the farm ute! and was able to go into Korumburra to patchwork stitch and sew. Did I tell you in the last blog that I had started a new quilt, a reproduction one from 1920's, called the Farmers Wife, all 111 blocks, 6 inches, sewn by hand! Got hooked into that before I went home, managed to knock off a few blocks , and have been happily stitching eversince! have finished 8 blocks now.
I booked the motorhome in for a tooilet service back at Hastings, and went off there on Thursday, a week after I got back from WA. and apparently got the toilet fixed. Guess what? it isn't!!! I only found that out yesterday, as I have been cheating and staying with friends, since it was serviced, in their houses! Monday morning I will be on the phone again.
My Woodleigh friend, who dates back to when I lived in Donnybrook in 1980's, and I were continually playing catchup, as we crossed paths for only a day at a time, hence the reason why I stayed there so long! She came back from working away (in WA), so I stayed another couple of days and then pushed on east to Sale again, to catch up with another old friend. (from Exmouth days 1970's) She is a teacher so I arrived on the weekend and we had a good catchup, We actually visited her in 1977 when we went around Australia in our Kopmbi van, at that time she lived in Heyfield, a pretty little town just outside Sale, and she also recalled visiting us in Donnybrook in the 80's, as she went sailing with us on our yacht. But it has been a long time. Margaret had Monday off, so we did a little sightseeing tour around, and lunched at a wonderful place with a great range of local wines!! I was at Salwe over Mothers Day and she visited her children up in Melbourne for the day, so I had a quiet time catching up on washing and watching dvd's of Downton Abbey, (bliss).
Next destination was Raymond Island to visit Bet, Carol's mother, who I went to Usa and a Carribbean cruise with in 2009. I met her at Paynesville, which is a wonderful haven for yachties and other boats on the Victorian lakes, and you take the ferry over to Raymond Island, only about 10 minutes, and a great service for the residents. Raymond Island is home to a large colony of Koalas, every house has koalas in their trees etc, (not this week!) Bet took me for a drive around the island, it is apparently 9 miles by 7 miles large and we only managed to see 1!! Oh well them's the breaks! I went over to Bairnsdale with Bet as she had a meeting at the RSL Club, so I amused myself "playing" the pokies! Losing !! Then we had a lovely afternoon tea with some of her friends and dinner with her sister in law and niece, lots of champagne being drunk, Bet is a woman after my own heart! She arranged for me to go down the road to a neighbours for a stitch and bitch session, lovely!! I finished off my stay with a quick trip to the local dentist! where I found I need some majpor work to be done, so I have already booked into Geraldton for August! and here I am noe in Lakes Entrance for 10 days, planning my route to Qld . God bless to all especially Adele ( keep strong!) and I will send again soon
Love Vicki
Monday, April 16, 2012
Week at Woodleigh
Hi Everyone,
It has been a little while since I last posted a blog, and life has been very interesting to say the least! After Yarram, I went off to a few spots in the Latrobe Valley to fill in the week before I was due at Sale for the next Rally! I have been most impressed with the beautiful scenery around this part of Victoria. I have always loved to see hills and trees and rivers etc, I think it comes from WA being so flat and dry! Parts of Victoria , just leave me driving with my mouth hanging open! Very reminiscent of Tasmania!
Back to motorhoming rally. At Sale we were 850 odd, motorhomes and about 1500 people. I was "lucky" enough to be issued with a site with electricity, not that it stayed on all day! and was in the middle of the Sale showground oval. The 850 motorhomes, were scattered around the Sale showgrounds, Sale Greyhound track, and the Gippsland Grammar schoo1 grounds also, there was an area between the showgrounds and the cattle sale yards, known as Siberia where the "big" rigs were parked! It was amazing the orgasnisation that went into getting this rally off the ground. Over 250 volunteers put in an extra week before the rally starts, being inducted into occ health and safety issues! For the privilege of working their butts off they pay for their sites and get a shirt and a hat and 2 bbqs!
Obviously because of the larger numbers at the national rallies, they don't supply meals, like they do at the solo rallies, but they supply some really beautiful entertainment at nights. We had a fabulous pair of popera singers, gotgeous voices. The poor woman never was able to take off her overcoat, as we were in a very large marquee, which was absolutely freezing! she changed her gown 3 times, but you only saw what hung down below the length of her coat! There was also a back to school social, which was the theme party. Motorhomers are really into dressing up parties! I seem to be very much a stick in the mud!
I have booked myself into the next national rally at Boonah in south Qld, where I have also put myself down for a voluntary position with the craft barn.
Finally the rally was over and I drove to Woodleigh to visit with my Victorian friend who used to live in Donnybrook in WA. It has been a great reunion, from 1988 about, since we last saw each other. Glenda and Ray, actually travel back and forth to Donnybrook annually, to a farm there, but we have never been able to tee up the connection, So here we are in Victoria. I am parked here on their farm, and able to leave the motorhome here while I fly back to WA for my regular visit later this week. Unfortunately, Glenda and Ray had booked a trip to Tasmania, they left on Sunday, but she left me the keys to her convertible!! for me to go sightseeing while they are away! How lucky am I? Today I drove to Wonthaggi and along the bass strait coast, seeing magnificent scenery, of course who is the idiot who left the camera behind? Oh well my mind will recall the scenery. I found a fabulous patchwork shop and of course had a little binge shop, and tomorrow I am going to the shop to spend the day sewing with the local ladies and getting my head around a new quilt! oH JOY.
Well folks , that is about all for this episode! I will be in touch again soon.
It has been a little while since I last posted a blog, and life has been very interesting to say the least! After Yarram, I went off to a few spots in the Latrobe Valley to fill in the week before I was due at Sale for the next Rally! I have been most impressed with the beautiful scenery around this part of Victoria. I have always loved to see hills and trees and rivers etc, I think it comes from WA being so flat and dry! Parts of Victoria , just leave me driving with my mouth hanging open! Very reminiscent of Tasmania!
Back to motorhoming rally. At Sale we were 850 odd, motorhomes and about 1500 people. I was "lucky" enough to be issued with a site with electricity, not that it stayed on all day! and was in the middle of the Sale showground oval. The 850 motorhomes, were scattered around the Sale showgrounds, Sale Greyhound track, and the Gippsland Grammar schoo1 grounds also, there was an area between the showgrounds and the cattle sale yards, known as Siberia where the "big" rigs were parked! It was amazing the orgasnisation that went into getting this rally off the ground. Over 250 volunteers put in an extra week before the rally starts, being inducted into occ health and safety issues! For the privilege of working their butts off they pay for their sites and get a shirt and a hat and 2 bbqs!
Obviously because of the larger numbers at the national rallies, they don't supply meals, like they do at the solo rallies, but they supply some really beautiful entertainment at nights. We had a fabulous pair of popera singers, gotgeous voices. The poor woman never was able to take off her overcoat, as we were in a very large marquee, which was absolutely freezing! she changed her gown 3 times, but you only saw what hung down below the length of her coat! There was also a back to school social, which was the theme party. Motorhomers are really into dressing up parties! I seem to be very much a stick in the mud!
I have booked myself into the next national rally at Boonah in south Qld, where I have also put myself down for a voluntary position with the craft barn.
Finally the rally was over and I drove to Woodleigh to visit with my Victorian friend who used to live in Donnybrook in WA. It has been a great reunion, from 1988 about, since we last saw each other. Glenda and Ray, actually travel back and forth to Donnybrook annually, to a farm there, but we have never been able to tee up the connection, So here we are in Victoria. I am parked here on their farm, and able to leave the motorhome here while I fly back to WA for my regular visit later this week. Unfortunately, Glenda and Ray had booked a trip to Tasmania, they left on Sunday, but she left me the keys to her convertible!! for me to go sightseeing while they are away! How lucky am I? Today I drove to Wonthaggi and along the bass strait coast, seeing magnificent scenery, of course who is the idiot who left the camera behind? Oh well my mind will recall the scenery. I found a fabulous patchwork shop and of course had a little binge shop, and tomorrow I am going to the shop to spend the day sewing with the local ladies and getting my head around a new quilt! oH JOY.
Well folks , that is about all for this episode! I will be in touch again soon.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hippy Wedding Rally
Hi Everyone,
I have just finished a week at Yarram in Victoria, withthe Solo motorhoming group. The theme of the rally was a Hippy Wedding. We finished up a really fun week with a big party night with everyone dressing up as hippies going to a wedding! It is amazing how people who live in motorhomes can come up with all this stuff to wear! I know I have a bit extra, (the cruise clothes!) but most people flock to the op shops to get their gear!!
We arrived at Yarram and parked ourselves around the local recreation reserve, toilets and showers supplied, but only a few could have power, and of course we all had to hold our " grey water" in our tanks.
First night we had a lovely meal supplied by the local footy club, then it was alll go for the next 5 days. There were early morning walks, for those so inclined!, information sessions, instructions on motorhoming facts and fiction, rock and roll and line dancing, stitch and bitch sessions and MY Patchwork Class!
Most nights there were food supplied, if you wanted it. Every afternoon of course there was Happy Hour! ( my liver could do with a rest!) and so the week passed, we were within walking distance of town, but there was also a courtesy bus supplied, which was handy as we had a few days of heavy rain! The oval and roads around were awash with mud and slops! It really didn't dry off at all over the week.
Yarram was a pretty town and we had several excursions to nearby town Port Albert and the TaraBulga National Park. The townsfolk were very welcoming to us, I guess it makes sense as we probably dropped a few thousand dollars into their pockets by the time we left. There were approximately 230 odd solo motorhomers came to town.
We had an interesting talk from a local lawyer, about wills and power of attorney etc, then the local undertaker talked about preboooked funeral services etc. Very interestingly he had a booklet printed up with all the information you need to supply at that time, and it is true, not everyone in the family knows all that stuff. So although it was pertinent to his company, I decided to take one and fill it out and leave it in a prominent place - "just in case". Course now I need to tell someone in the family where it is, so if they get a dreaded call they can direct someone to what my wishes are!
The trip over to Port Albert, was a lovely day, we took a trip to a very old church, that was made by a prefabricated method, and we ended up with the most delicious fresh fish at the pub and some of us had seafood at the wharf. The pub was warmer, they had massive roaring open fire in the bar, it was wonderful!
At the end of a very enjoyable, tiring week, I decided to try and book into the Sale rally over Easter. A lot of the Solos were going there and so I will have a few friends to catch up with , also it makes it easier to go there for Easter as everything will be very heavily booked, it is also school holidays! I can't get used to other states timetables!
Any way, I am at Leongatha now and have another problem with my reversing camera!! It fell off the windscreen! I can't get it fixed until Traralgon.
To end off this blog, I am deleriously happy!! The Fremantle Dockers, My footy team, won their first round game on the weekend! Against the trophy holders from last year!!! Yea!! Also the eagles, West Australia's other team also had a win! what a great start to the footy season.
So good luck to you all for the footy tipping competitions! Until the next blog
I have just finished a week at Yarram in Victoria, withthe Solo motorhoming group. The theme of the rally was a Hippy Wedding. We finished up a really fun week with a big party night with everyone dressing up as hippies going to a wedding! It is amazing how people who live in motorhomes can come up with all this stuff to wear! I know I have a bit extra, (the cruise clothes!) but most people flock to the op shops to get their gear!!
We arrived at Yarram and parked ourselves around the local recreation reserve, toilets and showers supplied, but only a few could have power, and of course we all had to hold our " grey water" in our tanks.
First night we had a lovely meal supplied by the local footy club, then it was alll go for the next 5 days. There were early morning walks, for those so inclined!, information sessions, instructions on motorhoming facts and fiction, rock and roll and line dancing, stitch and bitch sessions and MY Patchwork Class!
Most nights there were food supplied, if you wanted it. Every afternoon of course there was Happy Hour! ( my liver could do with a rest!) and so the week passed, we were within walking distance of town, but there was also a courtesy bus supplied, which was handy as we had a few days of heavy rain! The oval and roads around were awash with mud and slops! It really didn't dry off at all over the week.
Yarram was a pretty town and we had several excursions to nearby town Port Albert and the TaraBulga National Park. The townsfolk were very welcoming to us, I guess it makes sense as we probably dropped a few thousand dollars into their pockets by the time we left. There were approximately 230 odd solo motorhomers came to town.
We had an interesting talk from a local lawyer, about wills and power of attorney etc, then the local undertaker talked about preboooked funeral services etc. Very interestingly he had a booklet printed up with all the information you need to supply at that time, and it is true, not everyone in the family knows all that stuff. So although it was pertinent to his company, I decided to take one and fill it out and leave it in a prominent place - "just in case". Course now I need to tell someone in the family where it is, so if they get a dreaded call they can direct someone to what my wishes are!
The trip over to Port Albert, was a lovely day, we took a trip to a very old church, that was made by a prefabricated method, and we ended up with the most delicious fresh fish at the pub and some of us had seafood at the wharf. The pub was warmer, they had massive roaring open fire in the bar, it was wonderful!
At the end of a very enjoyable, tiring week, I decided to try and book into the Sale rally over Easter. A lot of the Solos were going there and so I will have a few friends to catch up with , also it makes it easier to go there for Easter as everything will be very heavily booked, it is also school holidays! I can't get used to other states timetables!
Any way, I am at Leongatha now and have another problem with my reversing camera!! It fell off the windscreen! I can't get it fixed until Traralgon.
To end off this blog, I am deleriously happy!! The Fremantle Dockers, My footy team, won their first round game on the weekend! Against the trophy holders from last year!!! Yea!! Also the eagles, West Australia's other team also had a win! what a great start to the footy season.
So good luck to you all for the footy tipping competitions! Until the next blog
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Halls Gap
Hi Everyone,
I have had a great few weeks since I returned from the cruise. Of course it wasn't a good start with a flat tyre from my newest tyres! Luckily , although the roadside assist people couldn't help me directly, they pumped me up and directed me to the right tyre people. It is just amazing how quickly the people were able to repair the tyre, and for such a small amount! So off I went again.
Back to Geoff and Adele's to pick up my mail, my herbal pills, and just say hello again to my good friends. Then the big plan happening, down to the travel agent to make the booking for my next big trip. (A surprise for you for the moment!) Next day I go with Adele to the hospital for her visit to her Kidney specialist. we meet up for a coffee with a friend of hers, and afterwards on the way home, poor Adele had a nasty tummy upset, and I had to drive the rest of the way back! I am really spoiled with a GPS! It was a bit tough finding the right roads with poor Adele groaning in the seat beside me! But we made it! Sh e made a good recovery. It is just one of those things that go with waiting for a Kidney transplant.
Next morning off to Loxton and back to favourite cousin Pauline's house for a last visit before I finally say goodbye to SA! On the way I go through a fruitfly checkpoint, have done this many times as I criss cross the states, I realise I have done a big shop of salad and potatoes and onion, I decide to take a chance, and carry on. Guess what, just up the road the guys are out doing an inspection! I 'm sweating big time as I know I have been naughty! and then God feels sorry for me and the inspector waves me past as they had a full checkpoint! I swear I will never risk it again and give all my stuff to my cousin!.Next day I head off to Victoria.
I took the slow road to Halls Gap via a route that I have done part of before, stopping at a couple of caravan parks where I was able to do my washing and get ready for a few days at Halls gap. I arrived at the town ship and was quite surprised as I thought the town would be up in the mountains, instead it is down it the valley. But what a lovely spot! I always love mountains, as of course WA doesn't really have any! I had another couple come and share my time at the caravan park, this was a "travel auction" best buy! We had some lovely weather for the first 4 days, and then it rained as I was packing up to move out. Hazel and graeme were lovely companions to have, they drove us up the mountains to Mt William, one of the tallest in the Grampians group and there were some lovely views as we drove through this picturesque area. We took a drive to Great Western to wine taste at Seppelt which makes some great bubbles wines!! My favourite! Naturally we had to buy a few bottles! We also went to the Halls Gap Zoo, whuch I found pretty amazing! I expected it to be a pigs and sheep and rabbits sort of thing, but it was great, they had Meerkats! lots of cute monkeys, the white fluffy faced ones , mostly miniature ones, snakes, lizards and big monitor lizards, crocodiles, But only small ones! Koalas, wombats, Tassie Devils, emus, kangaroos, of course, ostriches, brolgas, cassowary, so quite a few animals I had never seen before. The really good thing though, was that each evening a big mob of Kangaroos came through the park and there were sulphur crested cockatoos which ate out of your hand etc. I hope to include some good photos .
Next is motor homing rally at Yarram.
Keep laughing and loving and I hope you are all in good spirits, until we meet again. Vicki
I have had a great few weeks since I returned from the cruise. Of course it wasn't a good start with a flat tyre from my newest tyres! Luckily , although the roadside assist people couldn't help me directly, they pumped me up and directed me to the right tyre people. It is just amazing how quickly the people were able to repair the tyre, and for such a small amount! So off I went again.
Back to Geoff and Adele's to pick up my mail, my herbal pills, and just say hello again to my good friends. Then the big plan happening, down to the travel agent to make the booking for my next big trip. (A surprise for you for the moment!) Next day I go with Adele to the hospital for her visit to her Kidney specialist. we meet up for a coffee with a friend of hers, and afterwards on the way home, poor Adele had a nasty tummy upset, and I had to drive the rest of the way back! I am really spoiled with a GPS! It was a bit tough finding the right roads with poor Adele groaning in the seat beside me! But we made it! Sh e made a good recovery. It is just one of those things that go with waiting for a Kidney transplant.
Next morning off to Loxton and back to favourite cousin Pauline's house for a last visit before I finally say goodbye to SA! On the way I go through a fruitfly checkpoint, have done this many times as I criss cross the states, I realise I have done a big shop of salad and potatoes and onion, I decide to take a chance, and carry on. Guess what, just up the road the guys are out doing an inspection! I 'm sweating big time as I know I have been naughty! and then God feels sorry for me and the inspector waves me past as they had a full checkpoint! I swear I will never risk it again and give all my stuff to my cousin!.Next day I head off to Victoria.
I took the slow road to Halls Gap via a route that I have done part of before, stopping at a couple of caravan parks where I was able to do my washing and get ready for a few days at Halls gap. I arrived at the town ship and was quite surprised as I thought the town would be up in the mountains, instead it is down it the valley. But what a lovely spot! I always love mountains, as of course WA doesn't really have any! I had another couple come and share my time at the caravan park, this was a "travel auction" best buy! We had some lovely weather for the first 4 days, and then it rained as I was packing up to move out. Hazel and graeme were lovely companions to have, they drove us up the mountains to Mt William, one of the tallest in the Grampians group and there were some lovely views as we drove through this picturesque area. We took a drive to Great Western to wine taste at Seppelt which makes some great bubbles wines!! My favourite! Naturally we had to buy a few bottles! We also went to the Halls Gap Zoo, whuch I found pretty amazing! I expected it to be a pigs and sheep and rabbits sort of thing, but it was great, they had Meerkats! lots of cute monkeys, the white fluffy faced ones , mostly miniature ones, snakes, lizards and big monitor lizards, crocodiles, But only small ones! Koalas, wombats, Tassie Devils, emus, kangaroos, of course, ostriches, brolgas, cassowary, so quite a few animals I had never seen before. The really good thing though, was that each evening a big mob of Kangaroos came through the park and there were sulphur crested cockatoos which ate out of your hand etc. I hope to include some good photos .
Next is motor homing rally at Yarram.
Keep laughing and loving and I hope you are all in good spirits, until we meet again. Vicki
Monday, March 5, 2012
End of cruise
Hi Guys,
well all good things must come to an end. I had a great trip on discovery, (some cruises have been better but it was still enjoyable).
The weather on the trip for the most part, was not too hot,, but the humidity! I spent the whole trip soaked through from the tropical humidity. I did a lot of walking in Townsville and Cairns, but in Darwin, I hired a people mover and drove 2 yanks and 2 poms down to Litchfield National Park. We had a great drive down , saw lots of wildlife, wild horses (I think), plenty of kangaroos/wallabies, whatever! also a small group of wild pigs! Lots of huge termite mounds, includng the Magnetic ones, (which face north south). We went to the waterfalls, Florence, Wangi, Tolmer, which due to it being the "wet" were all flowing fiercely. Really wonderful sights! we swam at Florence falls, after climbing down about 150 stairs, but the swim at the pool was fabulous. Course the climb back up the stairs was a killer!! As a tour guide I failed miserably though! Forgot to make sure there was food available down there! We finally ate about 3.30pm! Our tour cost the five of us 71 dollars each, the ship's tour was about 180 pound!
Next morning still in Darwin, this ship stays over in some ports for 2 days, I returned the vehicle and went off to the gorgeous patchwork shop for a few yards of aboriginal patterned fabrics. (Funny last time I visited Darwin from a cruise ship I went there too!)
After I dried myself off we left Darwin and went on to Indonesia, firstly to Komodo Island, Home of the famous Komodo dragons! Great Ugly hulking things about 10 metres long and weigh about 250/300 lbs, UGH!!! I paid 50 pounds to do a walking tour to see them! Who's crazy here? they eat deer, other small animals and the occasional villager!! Only people with tour tickets were allowed to go ashore, so those people who didn't want to spend a small fortune nearly ran a riot at the tour desk! Oh boy the life of the cruise goer! Next we spent 2 days in Bali, quite renewed my feelings about how good the place can be. We hired a car and driver and Marylou and chris the 2 yanks and I went up to Ubud , had a massage and some lovely cold drinks in a bar with the most marvellous views. Next morning we went out again, along to Candidasi and visited a lovely palace, and then drove over the mountains viewing gorgeous rice terraces as we went. Until we got to Ubud again, had a lovely indonesian lunch and then a wonderful drive back down the mountians and back to the ship. Las t stop before Singapore was Semerang, for the historic temple of Borobodur. Again I splashed out to do a tour 105 quid ! but it was worth it I suppose, I guess I won't ever go that way again. Another temple with a million steps, you actually climb over it rather than into it. If you get to the top, and circle the top stupa 3 times clockwise, you gain eternal happiness! So I guess I'm made.
So the cruise finished up with one more bit of excitement, as we were waiting on board to be released from Singapore Immigration,the Captain came over the loud speakers and asked everyone to leave the ship at once as there was a "security risk", so we took off as fast as we could! Luckily my luggage was already unloaded, so I was right thanks, Jack!
I am back in Adelaide, in the motorhome, ready to take off again, as soon as I repair my flat tyre I got while I was away. More to come in the next episode.
To all my friends who may be suffering ll health or bad times, I wish you relief and comfort, good luck and I love you all. Vicki
well all good things must come to an end. I had a great trip on discovery, (some cruises have been better but it was still enjoyable).
The weather on the trip for the most part, was not too hot,, but the humidity! I spent the whole trip soaked through from the tropical humidity. I did a lot of walking in Townsville and Cairns, but in Darwin, I hired a people mover and drove 2 yanks and 2 poms down to Litchfield National Park. We had a great drive down , saw lots of wildlife, wild horses (I think), plenty of kangaroos/wallabies, whatever! also a small group of wild pigs! Lots of huge termite mounds, includng the Magnetic ones, (which face north south). We went to the waterfalls, Florence, Wangi, Tolmer, which due to it being the "wet" were all flowing fiercely. Really wonderful sights! we swam at Florence falls, after climbing down about 150 stairs, but the swim at the pool was fabulous. Course the climb back up the stairs was a killer!! As a tour guide I failed miserably though! Forgot to make sure there was food available down there! We finally ate about 3.30pm! Our tour cost the five of us 71 dollars each, the ship's tour was about 180 pound!
Next morning still in Darwin, this ship stays over in some ports for 2 days, I returned the vehicle and went off to the gorgeous patchwork shop for a few yards of aboriginal patterned fabrics. (Funny last time I visited Darwin from a cruise ship I went there too!)
After I dried myself off we left Darwin and went on to Indonesia, firstly to Komodo Island, Home of the famous Komodo dragons! Great Ugly hulking things about 10 metres long and weigh about 250/300 lbs, UGH!!! I paid 50 pounds to do a walking tour to see them! Who's crazy here? they eat deer, other small animals and the occasional villager!! Only people with tour tickets were allowed to go ashore, so those people who didn't want to spend a small fortune nearly ran a riot at the tour desk! Oh boy the life of the cruise goer! Next we spent 2 days in Bali, quite renewed my feelings about how good the place can be. We hired a car and driver and Marylou and chris the 2 yanks and I went up to Ubud , had a massage and some lovely cold drinks in a bar with the most marvellous views. Next morning we went out again, along to Candidasi and visited a lovely palace, and then drove over the mountains viewing gorgeous rice terraces as we went. Until we got to Ubud again, had a lovely indonesian lunch and then a wonderful drive back down the mountians and back to the ship. Las t stop before Singapore was Semerang, for the historic temple of Borobodur. Again I splashed out to do a tour 105 quid ! but it was worth it I suppose, I guess I won't ever go that way again. Another temple with a million steps, you actually climb over it rather than into it. If you get to the top, and circle the top stupa 3 times clockwise, you gain eternal happiness! So I guess I'm made.
So the cruise finished up with one more bit of excitement, as we were waiting on board to be released from Singapore Immigration,the Captain came over the loud speakers and asked everyone to leave the ship at once as there was a "security risk", so we took off as fast as we could! Luckily my luggage was already unloaded, so I was right thanks, Jack!
I am back in Adelaide, in the motorhome, ready to take off again, as soon as I repair my flat tyre I got while I was away. More to come in the next episode.
To all my friends who may be suffering ll health or bad times, I wish you relief and comfort, good luck and I love you all. Vicki
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Hi All, I am sending this from Darwin, I hope!
I am aboard MV Discovery, out of Sydney to Singapore, over 21 days. A great last minute bargain, it pays to keep your passport valid! The ship is only carrying 580 passengers out of a possible 650. Not a bad ship, a bit tired, it was the original LOVE BOAT! sold by princess a few years ago. It evidently goes into dry dock at the end of this cruise when it reaches the UK. I have to say it needs a bit of work done, but that besides, it is not too bad! A funny deep swimming pool, you feel like you are in a well! The food is a bit variable, but that means I don't eat too much. So far I have weighed myself in the gym and appear to have lost another kilo! so that is promising. I am glad I am the only one in the cabin, (a triple), but it is quite "compact" The beds are comfortable, and the pillows are really good! the telly doesn't move very far so I can't lie in bed and watch, but that is ok as they don't have very good tv programs! They have an enormous amount of lecturers on board, sometimes 5 a day. I have been attending the photography ones, we shall see whether I can put into practice what I am learning!
I get really peeved when I hear the so called experts bleating about australia and they aren't australian! Quite a few mistakes too!! A really great one, was by a scottish surgeon, about "mercy hospital ships" I was fascinated, and might look into doing a stint on board. They take the ship to 3rd world places and operate etc. They do a lot of cleft palates, a bit like Operation Rainbow, but on board a specially fitted out ship.
I have met an American, Marylou, a nice lady from Florida, we kick around a bit together, and as she is not a shopper, that has kept me on the straight and narrow! She has been to some amazing places, she has just been in Burma for a month and after the cruise she is going to Taiwan for a month! She is amazing, she travels with just a roll-aboard piece of luggage. wow! I could try and learn something from her!
Today I did the aussie tour guide thing. 5 of us hired a people mover vehicle and I drove us down to Litchfield National Park. We did about 380kms, called into all the waterfals, they are very much in full flood, we climbed down 135 steps to the Florence falls plunge pool, and had a lovely swim, it is the only waterfall you can swim at because of the danger from crocs! gorgeous place to swim at, a bit rocky but very pleasant. We saw lots of wildlife on the way down and around the park, so that was good. Our companion s were 2 POMs and 2 Yanks, so they were pleased to see lots of kangaroos/wallabies? a family of wild pigs, a group of brumbies, a few gorgeous birds, absolutely terrific colours , and some sort of "kite, or hunting bird".
When we stopped for lunch, about 330pm, an absolute cloudburst occurred! buckets and buckets of water drumming on the tin roof of the cafe, thunder and lightning, I was glad we were stopped and I didn't have to drive through it! It must have dropped several inches, as all the creek/river crossings were now flooded! it rained/drizzled all the way back to the ship. We took lots of photos of the termite mounds, but weren't sure whether we saw the Magnetic ones or not!
Wednesday the ship has to move from the dock, as the Queen Mary is coming in, so our second day in Darwin will be at anchor and tendering ashore! I know I am a mad patchwork fanatic, but I have met a woman, a yank, of course! , who is travelling with her sewing, machine and yards of fabric, she wants to go to the Darwin shop, Dragon Fly. I think I ought to give it a miss as I have been sooo good in the shopping department on this trip , so far!
I just have to figure out adding my photos and then this will get sent off to you. Much love to you all
I am aboard MV Discovery, out of Sydney to Singapore, over 21 days. A great last minute bargain, it pays to keep your passport valid! The ship is only carrying 580 passengers out of a possible 650. Not a bad ship, a bit tired, it was the original LOVE BOAT! sold by princess a few years ago. It evidently goes into dry dock at the end of this cruise when it reaches the UK. I have to say it needs a bit of work done, but that besides, it is not too bad! A funny deep swimming pool, you feel like you are in a well! The food is a bit variable, but that means I don't eat too much. So far I have weighed myself in the gym and appear to have lost another kilo! so that is promising. I am glad I am the only one in the cabin, (a triple), but it is quite "compact" The beds are comfortable, and the pillows are really good! the telly doesn't move very far so I can't lie in bed and watch, but that is ok as they don't have very good tv programs! They have an enormous amount of lecturers on board, sometimes 5 a day. I have been attending the photography ones, we shall see whether I can put into practice what I am learning!
I get really peeved when I hear the so called experts bleating about australia and they aren't australian! Quite a few mistakes too!! A really great one, was by a scottish surgeon, about "mercy hospital ships" I was fascinated, and might look into doing a stint on board. They take the ship to 3rd world places and operate etc. They do a lot of cleft palates, a bit like Operation Rainbow, but on board a specially fitted out ship.
I have met an American, Marylou, a nice lady from Florida, we kick around a bit together, and as she is not a shopper, that has kept me on the straight and narrow! She has been to some amazing places, she has just been in Burma for a month and after the cruise she is going to Taiwan for a month! She is amazing, she travels with just a roll-aboard piece of luggage. wow! I could try and learn something from her!
Today I did the aussie tour guide thing. 5 of us hired a people mover vehicle and I drove us down to Litchfield National Park. We did about 380kms, called into all the waterfals, they are very much in full flood, we climbed down 135 steps to the Florence falls plunge pool, and had a lovely swim, it is the only waterfall you can swim at because of the danger from crocs! gorgeous place to swim at, a bit rocky but very pleasant. We saw lots of wildlife on the way down and around the park, so that was good. Our companion s were 2 POMs and 2 Yanks, so they were pleased to see lots of kangaroos/wallabies? a family of wild pigs, a group of brumbies, a few gorgeous birds, absolutely terrific colours , and some sort of "kite, or hunting bird".
When we stopped for lunch, about 330pm, an absolute cloudburst occurred! buckets and buckets of water drumming on the tin roof of the cafe, thunder and lightning, I was glad we were stopped and I didn't have to drive through it! It must have dropped several inches, as all the creek/river crossings were now flooded! it rained/drizzled all the way back to the ship. We took lots of photos of the termite mounds, but weren't sure whether we saw the Magnetic ones or not!
Wednesday the ship has to move from the dock, as the Queen Mary is coming in, so our second day in Darwin will be at anchor and tendering ashore! I know I am a mad patchwork fanatic, but I have met a woman, a yank, of course! , who is travelling with her sewing, machine and yards of fabric, she wants to go to the Darwin shop, Dragon Fly. I think I ought to give it a miss as I have been sooo good in the shopping department on this trip , so far!
I just have to figure out adding my photos and then this will get sent off to you. Much love to you all
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Discovery Cruise
Hi I have surprised myself with my spontaneity!,
When I arrived back in SA after my Christmas visit back to West Australia, I visited my friends in Elizabeth, and Geoff took me to the cricket to see Australia and India play the final test. It was a wonderful experience! We sat in the members grand stand, under cover thank God, as it was pretty hot that day! I was thrilled to see Ponting and Clarke hit into the 200 runs each and set Australia up for another great win! Needless to say, I declined to go again the next days, it was way too hot! However I can say I have been to the TEST Cricket! Next experience is the Tennis!
I went fromn there up to Clare again, to findmy friends there involved with the Tour down Under, cycle race. So the first country leg finished in Clare. All those lycra clad bodies! I picked up an article from the newspaper about a wonderful bargain of a cruise! I called Kath to see if she wanted to do it, but it wasn't quite suitable for her at that time, so I continued over to Loxton , where my cousin lives, and I have already had 3 visits to! Ioffered the trip to my cousin, but again no go! So I booked myself on , as even with single supplement, it was still dirt cheap!
So here I am, currently just docked in Townsville, having left Sydney on the 10th heading for Darwin, Komodo, Indonesia, Bali and Semarang, also Indonesia, and then to Singapore! 3 weeks of lovely tropical cruising. So far, you may all be surprised to know, I have been able to keep my hands firmly in my pockets having only spent a seniors ticket on Brisbane's city cat, and 2 bottles of water!
The ship is in British pounds currency, so that is a bit of a bummer, but I am watching my drinking habits, and I think I could make it quite an economical trip! (No more jewellry shopping for me!) Some lovely people on board, the ship evidently captures many loyal return passengers, mostly english, but quite a lot of Americans also. Only 650 passengers, but we are only carrying 580. No grand shows in the evenings, but very good singers and musicians, a lot of lectures about what we are travelling through, no casino!, and only a small shop. The ship looks like a ship, it is apparently the original "Love Boat", a little tired around the edges, but perfectly adequate - for the price I paid!
I have linked up with a nice american woman, very widely travelled, just carries one rollaboard piece of luggage, and has been travelling for 3 months! I hop to learn something from her about packing!
I am attending the photography lectures, and feel as if I have already picked up somne clues and tips, the trouble will be that I will next want a new camera!
I have finally been able to get internet service now we have arrived in Townsville, so I am dealing with all that! I still have to add the photos
So take care and I will send you all more news soon.
Love Vicki
When I arrived back in SA after my Christmas visit back to West Australia, I visited my friends in Elizabeth, and Geoff took me to the cricket to see Australia and India play the final test. It was a wonderful experience! We sat in the members grand stand, under cover thank God, as it was pretty hot that day! I was thrilled to see Ponting and Clarke hit into the 200 runs each and set Australia up for another great win! Needless to say, I declined to go again the next days, it was way too hot! However I can say I have been to the TEST Cricket! Next experience is the Tennis!
I went fromn there up to Clare again, to findmy friends there involved with the Tour down Under, cycle race. So the first country leg finished in Clare. All those lycra clad bodies! I picked up an article from the newspaper about a wonderful bargain of a cruise! I called Kath to see if she wanted to do it, but it wasn't quite suitable for her at that time, so I continued over to Loxton , where my cousin lives, and I have already had 3 visits to! Ioffered the trip to my cousin, but again no go! So I booked myself on , as even with single supplement, it was still dirt cheap!
So here I am, currently just docked in Townsville, having left Sydney on the 10th heading for Darwin, Komodo, Indonesia, Bali and Semarang, also Indonesia, and then to Singapore! 3 weeks of lovely tropical cruising. So far, you may all be surprised to know, I have been able to keep my hands firmly in my pockets having only spent a seniors ticket on Brisbane's city cat, and 2 bottles of water!
The ship is in British pounds currency, so that is a bit of a bummer, but I am watching my drinking habits, and I think I could make it quite an economical trip! (No more jewellry shopping for me!) Some lovely people on board, the ship evidently captures many loyal return passengers, mostly english, but quite a lot of Americans also. Only 650 passengers, but we are only carrying 580. No grand shows in the evenings, but very good singers and musicians, a lot of lectures about what we are travelling through, no casino!, and only a small shop. The ship looks like a ship, it is apparently the original "Love Boat", a little tired around the edges, but perfectly adequate - for the price I paid!
I have linked up with a nice american woman, very widely travelled, just carries one rollaboard piece of luggage, and has been travelling for 3 months! I hop to learn something from her about packing!
I am attending the photography lectures, and feel as if I have already picked up somne clues and tips, the trouble will be that I will next want a new camera!
I have finally been able to get internet service now we have arrived in Townsville, so I am dealing with all that! I still have to add the photos
So take care and I will send you all more news soon.
Love Vicki
Monday, January 30, 2012
After I returned t0 SA, I went up to Clare to my friend Yvonnes', we saw the
T Tour Downunder cycle race finish of the first leg at Clare. And I helped them with their Lions fundraiser gourmet sausage sizzle. It was getting pretty hot.
I moved down to Elizabeth to Adele and Geoffs', once again we sat around in the heat, but first , Geoff took me to the SA last cricket game . Up at 6am to queue for the best seats in the members grandstand. While we were waiting, the ABC was broadcasting, It was so hot the presenter had his shorts on bemneath his jacket and tie! We were killing ourselves!
We saw ponting and Clarke hit their double centuries! It was really thrilling to be present at this great match.
I promise to get my blogs happening more regularly now!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Hi Everyone! don't faint! I haven't forgotten you all, just ben incredibly lazy on one hand , and indescribably frantic with the other!
I hope you all had a great, or at least a good, Christmas, and a riotous New Year! Me, I spent New Years eve with my South Yunderup sister, and we worked on Sydney time, 3 hours ahead of us , watched the fireworks from Sydney at (9 pm and went to bed!
To fill you in on my trials and tribulations! I left the motorhome at Adelaide in storage , and flew back to WA on Dec 15th, picked up a hire car from the airport and feel like I have been glued to the seat ever since! EG. drove south to Sth Yunderup, stayed the night, drove south to Bunbury to elder sisters home, stayed for a couple of nights during which I drove down to Busselton to see Mum, (she's doing fine!) back to Bunbury and saw my daughter and 5 grandies! My daughter is going through a messy separation , plus a few other problems, don't get me started! It has ben all down hill from there! (not really!) I have been up and down from Sth Y. to Bunbury and Bussselton so many times I can't tell whether I'm Arthur or Martha! Been to specialists, Taxation Accountantants, financial planners, caught up with a few friends, did my duty at the Patchwork Schoolhouse in Pinjarra, inspected my house there also, and you can seee what I mean? Finally took off to Perth again to catch a friend whom I have travelled with previously, and then on to Geraldton after another Drs visit.
Had a lovely dinner with my lovely son and his wife and 3 grandies, and had a relaxing 2 days with my wonderful sewing (and ex-nursing friends) Meg and Lyn, missed out on a couple of freinds as they are away, caught up with all the local gossip, and am getting myself ready to drive down south again for 1 last visit with Mum, and see how much sorting out I still need to do for Genevieve, I fly back to SAon Tuesday the 10th.
Whew! I am exhausted again, just writing it all down!
So in closing I wish you all a happy and healthy and prosperous New Year, and I know I missed catching up with a few WA folk I said I would catch up with, but I will be back in April!
God Bless you all
love Vicki
I hope you all had a great, or at least a good, Christmas, and a riotous New Year! Me, I spent New Years eve with my South Yunderup sister, and we worked on Sydney time, 3 hours ahead of us , watched the fireworks from Sydney at (9 pm and went to bed!
To fill you in on my trials and tribulations! I left the motorhome at Adelaide in storage , and flew back to WA on Dec 15th, picked up a hire car from the airport and feel like I have been glued to the seat ever since! EG. drove south to Sth Yunderup, stayed the night, drove south to Bunbury to elder sisters home, stayed for a couple of nights during which I drove down to Busselton to see Mum, (she's doing fine!) back to Bunbury and saw my daughter and 5 grandies! My daughter is going through a messy separation , plus a few other problems, don't get me started! It has ben all down hill from there! (not really!) I have been up and down from Sth Y. to Bunbury and Bussselton so many times I can't tell whether I'm Arthur or Martha! Been to specialists, Taxation Accountantants, financial planners, caught up with a few friends, did my duty at the Patchwork Schoolhouse in Pinjarra, inspected my house there also, and you can seee what I mean? Finally took off to Perth again to catch a friend whom I have travelled with previously, and then on to Geraldton after another Drs visit.
Had a lovely dinner with my lovely son and his wife and 3 grandies, and had a relaxing 2 days with my wonderful sewing (and ex-nursing friends) Meg and Lyn, missed out on a couple of freinds as they are away, caught up with all the local gossip, and am getting myself ready to drive down south again for 1 last visit with Mum, and see how much sorting out I still need to do for Genevieve, I fly back to SAon Tuesday the 10th.
Whew! I am exhausted again, just writing it all down!
So in closing I wish you all a happy and healthy and prosperous New Year, and I know I missed catching up with a few WA folk I said I would catch up with, but I will be back in April!
God Bless you all
love Vicki
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