Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yorke Peninsula

                                  Hi Everyone, a few photos today.I wish I could take better scenic shots. Maybe a new camera would do the trick! I have been travelling through the
Yorke Peninsula, over  the last week, I have been into every little bay and cove
there is. There are some amazing sights. I have looked through all the museums and there are a lot! What I have been disappointed in is the quality of the local seafood. For the first time I am going to give a place a rocket. The fish and chips at Walleroo, were abominable. But luckily I had some wonderful fish and chips at Edithsburg at one of the pubs, at seniors rate $9.
I started taking photos here at Port Victoria as the sunsets are supposed to be excellent. Not if there is too much cloud though! Unfortunately the colour sort of faded as well.
I was very impressed with the Cornish history around Kadina, Walleroo and Moonta. This was where copper was mined in the late 19th century and early 20th. The copper mines were all used up by 1946 (I think)  at one stage there were 1100 children in a sort of "private" school, run by the mining company. If you don't go to school for 4 hours after they have worked in the mines a 12 hour day, you get a token which had to be shown before you could work, no token (meant  you didn't go to school) no work day. Of course they were so poor, they needed the pennies they earned. I found the whole cornish and welsh copper mining thing fascinating. Also the connection from Wesleyan and Methodist religion which converted and joined into the modern australian Uniting Church as we know it today. The Cornish Pasties weren't bad either. I found then  bit heavy in the pastry , but apparently the miners didn't eat the pastry, it was so they could actually pick up the food with their filthy hands as they were working! They just ate the filling!

Down and around the point of Yorke Peninsula there are the lovely bays of Coobowie, Edithsburg, Point Vincent and Stansbury. I got up and looked at the sky and thought a lovely day, and within an hour the 2nd photo was taken! Luckily it actually blew over the bay and didn't affect us but it did look worrying for a while. I spent Saturday and Sunday quilting my latest project in the van, finally I have got the sewing machine working on the trip. I have lugged it around for 6 months so far and hadn't used it , so I am glad I have got that under way. I have of course been doing plenty of crafts just not used the machine.
So with these thoughts I leave you for the week. Hopefully next week I will be able to post a photo of this latest project!
PS I had a small mouse problem, it chewed through my Melbourne  Quilt show landscape project! But I got it in a trap. Ha!!
See Ya Vicki

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Go the Dockers!!

Hi to you all,
The significance of the heading will become clear shortly! I had a good run over to SA from Victoria, I have now travelled over most of the roads there are between the 2 cities! I came into Tailrm Bend early and stopped as the weather was getting "dirty". So I had  an early run into adelaide and got to the caravan park of choice whuch was in Marion.  I thought I would go shopping and asked the park person on duty, " how far to Marion Shopping centre?" he said 2 sets of lights, about 10 mins. So off i trotted. 1 set of traffic lights, 2 s o t l, 3 s o t l, 4 sol, and i am getting tired and it has taken me 25 mins! I see a big building and go " thank you God" cos it was finally there! So I shopped til I dropped and caught a taxi back! Sat morning , (last), I drove into Melrose Park for a patchwork class that I booked in March  very good at a fab patchwork shop, lots of great fabrics! You will be pleased to know , I only bought i half metre of sorely needed fabric for the workshop! Any way we have lots of homework to do before we meet on June 4th to finish it.
My good friends Adele and Geoff who I went on the Murray houseboat with, sort of invited me to come to stay, So I did! and Geoff and I went to AAMI Stadium to se Port ADelaide, (geoffs team) play the Dockers (my team). Geoff is a serious cardholding member of Port , and he got me a seat next to him in the NOrth Grandstand! There I was (picture this!) 1 purple red and green jacketed, lady, me. and 100's of Teal and black and white wearing Port Thunder screaming members  and the Dockers won! I gave 2 little hand claps at every Dockers goal or point, and 1 smaller clap for Port! I kept myself very restrained and didn't scream and shout like I wanted to. Even when the Port member behind me was kicking the back of my chair through the whole first quarter. I wasn't sure whether it was excitiement or because of my purple jacket! At half time i moved to the row in front where ther were plenty of empty seats, I loved every minute of the game and will try and get to more Dockers games if I can. I am now officially not a virgin AFL follower, having attended my first game. My friend Geoff was very quiet through the game and I flt quite bad to be a guest in their home and my team had just thrashed his! The bus ride home was very subdued, as once again I was th eonly person on the bus in purple. I never quite feared for my life, as I am sure Geoff would have done the gentlemanly thing should I have been attacked, but I was glad he was with me! Now I finished up the weekend, going to craft with Adele, and getting her set up with her Finches Nest Patchwork tablecloth kit she bought in Geraldton in 2008, on our Round Australia Cruise, which is where we met. I also started her off on hand quilting english paper piecing hexagons! Adele is a bit like me, she has lots of crafts on the go at once!
So thats all from me, I am still heading off to Yorke Peninsula, soon, but only after Adele takes me to a nearby patchwork shop, and a papercrafts shop, and Spotlight! Oh Dear! Love to you all once more,
Ps sorry no photos,this week.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pinjarra Patchworker Raffle Quilt

This is the quilt, Isn't it beautiful? I didn't have any input into it , I wish I had, Instead I hope I win it! Tickets available at the Pinjarra Patchwork school house for $2.00, Good luck! vicki
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Happy Mothers Day

Hi All and I hope you all got brekky in bed and a nice flower from your families!
Since last week I have been down to Donnybrook to visit my friends there and back to Sth Yunderup and caught up with my patchworking friends and done my "duty" in the patchwork shop in Pinjarra. Spent a lovely day sewing with them all, and they have made the most beautiful quilt that is being raffled for charity on the June long weekend when it is WA's Foundation day holiday.
I took a photo of it but have finally worked out how to put the photos in the text! And I forgot to add it here so I may send you an extra blog with the quilt in it.
In the meantime, here is Mum nearly 97, and my sisters and brother in law and I took her out to lunch for Mothers Day, after she had been to church. We had a bit of a mix up with where we wanted to take her so ended up at the Vasse Hotel, we ordered fish and chips,which was terrific i might add, but oh God the size of the serves! Still Mum ploughed threw hers. She is pretty good on the tooth! I thought i was going to burst! we didn't have dessert thats for sure!. sunday evening I drove back up to Rob and Carols' in Applecross to stay the night before catching my plane to Melbourne and back to my Doig's donga!
When I checked in, early, as I am wont to do, the computer offered me an earlier flight, so I grabbed it. Went up to the qantas Club in Perth and who should I run into? but some old medical rep friends from my working days ! that was great, we had a good time catching up on my travels, and what they were doing these days, still same old same old, and then we were all on the same plane to Melbourne. Rick and his co worker were going over for a footy match tonight and then work meetings during the week. It was beaut seeing him, and he promised me he would call me to go out for a meal. ( He's gorgeous but a bit young for me!) Lucky i didn't invite him to read my blog! No, we were good friends when I was working, and he was marvellous to our hospital.
Then to crown off the trip, I get back to Doigs donga and get a place on the caravan park to move to , and no battery! I'm like - oh no! Ring rac run around with a torch, go over to the office to see if some one can jump start me! you know the deal! and while I am on the phone, on hold of course, i thought I would give it another go. guess what? it started! I forgot I have to put my foot on the brake before it will turn over! what a dill! lucky the guy came back on the phone and i said I was right. But really! I am such an idiot! So now I am all unpacked back into my little home, and ready to roll. after I do some shopping tomorrow. Hope the fridge will be cold by then, the weather here is so cold I just opened a bottle of white wine and it was ready to drink!
Any way that's all for now and I will keep you updated as doigs donga and I go on our merry way!
love to you all
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